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In-depth: Training Actions
Updated over 5 months ago

Here's an improved and more engaging version of the content with better formatting for clarity and readability:

Introduction to Actions & Points

In Xperiencify, you can add actions to your training content or any other page to encourage students to take action in exchange for points. Here's a quick guide on how to set up actions effectively.

Tip: We usually recommend having 2 actions per training to maximize student engagement.

  1. Action #1: Awards 1 XP for watching or completing the training. Include a summary of the lesson's main learning point in the action description, and students earn 1 XP when they check it off.

  2. Action #2: Awards 2 XPs for taking the associated action or implementation activity. (We recommend more points for actions since they are more valuable than passive consumption.)

    How to Add an Action to a Training

    1. Find the training you want to add an action to and click the Edit button.

    2. Click on the Actions & Points tab.

      By default, two recommended actions are added:

      • "Watched Video" (1 XP)

      • "Next Steps" (2 XPs)

      This setup rewards students appropriately for taking action versus just watching.

    3. Open each action by clicking on it.

    4. Select the Action Type: Choose from Simple Checkbox, Essay Response, or Multiple Choice.

    5. Name your action under Action Name

    6. Change the Action Kind: Indicate what type of action this is, e.g., 'To-Do', 'Homework', 'Action', etc.

    7. Add Detailed Action Notes: Provide a detailed description of what you want students to do.

    8. Edit the Checkbox Label Text: Set the text for the checkbox (e.g., "Done it!"). Ensure it's in the past tense to prevent premature completion.

    9. Set the Points: Vary points to highlight the importance of each action. For example, 1 XP for watching a video, and 2 or 3 XPs for completing homework to reflect its higher value.

    10. Offer Bonus XXPs: Encourage students to go above and beyond with extra points. Learn more about XXPs [here]. You can also add or remove tags associated with each action.

    Motivating Students to Take Action

    • Example Ideas:

      • Share your biggest takeaway with our group on Facebook! [Link]

      • Write down 3 big ideas from this training in your journal.

    Customizing the Image for Your Training Action

    When editing your Training Action, you can choose to use the default image or upload your own. Alternatively, search and add images from Unsplash with a single click.

    Adding Links and Videos to Your Action Description

    • To Add a Link: Select the text, click the hyperlink icon, and paste your link into the field.

    • To Add a Video: Press the forward slash key (/) to open the Editor menu, scroll down to "Video," and upload a video from a public platform like YouTube or Vimeo.

    Following this rhythm of training and action steps helps keep students motivated and moving through your course to the finish line!

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