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XpressU's Content Management System (CMS)
XpressU's Content Management System (CMS)

Behind your XpressU account is a CMS with information

John Kanding avatar
Skrevet af John Kanding
Opdateret over en uge siden

If you are an Administrator, you have access to the account's CMS.

There is always at least 1 administrator. If you IF you are an Administartor, you can click on the menu in the right corner ("Burger menu" in popular lingo).
If there is an item called Admin, yes, you have access. Otherwise, you have to get hold of one of the other users so that they can give you access


For your XpressU account, you have access to the following 3 menu items:

Company information

Company information is the data XpressU has about your company. You can correct them if you wish. For example, change who the contact person is .

On the right you can see the users on your account who are Administrators. That is, the users who also have access to the CMS.


The users who have access to create XpressU Presentations. You can delete and create users yourself. If you delete a user, you get the option to move the user's media to another user.


Under Indstillinger kan I indstille 2-faktor login. Vi anbefaler at I slår denne til, så I sikre jeres XpressU konto bedst muligt.

I kan bruge jeres eget logo i stedet for XpressU logoet på præsentationerne. Dette gør det mere personligt. Hvis ikke I ser funktionen, skal I lige kontakte os for at slå den til.

Under Settings you can set 2-factor login. We recommend that you turn to secure your XpressU account as best as possible.

You can use your own logo instead of the XpressU logo on the presentations. This makes it more personal. If you don't see the function, you have to contact us to be able to get this feature.

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