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Update Q1 2020
John Kanding avatar
Written by John Kanding
Updated over 4 months ago

Plenty of updates and new features

Top menu

The previous Top Menu was divided into Own and Shared Presentations and Media.

Den tidligere Topmenu var opdelt i Egne og Delte Præsentationer og Medier.

Due to a new Sharing Structure, the Top Menu has become cleaner and more user-friendly

Sharing in Your Organization

We have improved the way Media and Presentations are shared within your organization. This will provide better oversight, more control, and increased security.

Previously, to share an item, it had to be placed in either Own or Shared. As a result, everyone had access to the same shared media. However, it was difficult to determine who the actual owner was.

Now, sharing is decided directly on the Presentation or Media. The overview is visible directly in the Library, as all items are on the same page but marked differently.

- Media you have shared with others are marked in green.

- Media shared with you by others are marked in yellow.

- All other items are private.

Read more: Sharing

A More Organized Dialog Box

The previously long dialog box for a Presentation is now logically divided into five tabs

Info: Title and message to the audience, displayed on the Welcome screen.

Settings: Security settings and what recipients must fill in to view the Presentation.

Survey: Settings related to Surveys within the Presentation.

Sharing: How you want to share the Presentation.

Publishing: Various ways to publish your Presentation.

Read more:


Several ways to ensure that only selected people can view your Presentations.

Expiration: After this date, the Presentation will automatically close.

Two-step verification with PIN code: Recipients must enter an email and will receive a PIN code to access the Presentation.

(Domain lock @): You can also choose this in relation to the PIN code email, so that only users with the specified domain can view the Presentation.

Password protection: Set a password that recipients must enter. If you send the Presentation, the password will be sent with it.

Downloadable: You can allow recipients to download the presentation so they can view it offline.

Read more: Security

Stay Notified About Changes to Your Presentation

One major benefit of XpressU is the ability to continuously update Media and Presentations, which recipients will see immediately. However, it can feel a bit "intimidating" when accidental changes are made

Therefore, we’ve introduced a warning when opening a published Presentation.

If any changes are saved, the [Notify users] button will appear. With this, you can quickly send an email to all who received the Presentation via email.

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