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Bulk edit
John Kanding avatar
Written by John Kanding
Updated over 5 months ago

Media, Presentations and Contacts can be assigned one or more TAGs , in order to sort them into logical collections. If you have a lot of media, it may be necessary to add TAGs to store them in smaller collections

In the dialog for a Media you can add one or more TAGs.

You don't absolutely have to go into the Media. If you click on the Check mark in the left corner, a dialog will appear showing how many you have selected, as well as what you can do with the selected items. You can Share the media, add a TAG, or you can Remove the selected media. If you click on a selected tick again, the item is deselected.
When you are satisfied with your selection, click Share, Add TAG, or Remove , and it will be carried out for all the selected Thumbs(Media)

Left click + Shift key

You can expand your selection further by using click + the SHIFT key between 2 thumbs. XpressU automatically selects all the intermediate thumbs.

Send to many contacts at once

For your Contacts you can bulk edit several contact and give them a Tag. E.g. Family.

If you then need to send a presentation to all with that TAG, you can simply start typing "Fam..." and XpressU will suggest "Family" as a collective group of contacts. Now you can send your presentation to all these contacts at once. Each of them will still receive a unique link so you can get individual stats.

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