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John Kanding avatar
Written by John Kanding
Updated over 4 months ago

Contacts follow the same logic as Presentations and Media.

Each Contact are represented by a thumbnail and a title. The title are the name of the Contact.

Unlike Media and Presentations, you do not drag Contacts to the timeline. It is an overview of your contacts where you can manage them, see what they have seen of your presentations, and place them in groups so that you can easily send to many at once .To edit a contact, use the Pencil icon in the left corner.

Now you can edit the data.
Du kan evt. tilføje kontakten en eller flere etiketter/TAGs. På den måde kan du samle udvalgte kontakter i grupper, så du lettere kan sende til alle i en gruppe.

You can add one or more TAGs to the contact. In this way, you can collect selected contacts in groups, to more easily send to everyone in a group.

The presentations the contact has seen, can also be viewed here.

Når du sender en præsentation, kan du skrive navnet på en kontakt fra din oversigt, eller bare en email.
Skriver du en email der IKKE eksisterer i dine kontakter, oprettes denne automatisk som ny kontakt. Da XpressU ikke kender navnet på din kontakt, men kun email, oprettes kontakten uden navn.

Du kan tilføje navnet efterfølgende, eller blot bevare den med kun email.
Sender du til en gruppe, altså kontakter med samme TAG, skriver du blot navnet på det pågældende TAG.
XpressU sender din præsenation til alle disse kontakter på en gang. Hver af dem vil stadig modtage et unikt link, så du kan få individuel statistik.

When you send a presentation, you can write the name of a contact from your overview, or just an email. If you write an email that does NOT exist in your contacts, this is automatically created as a new contact.
Since XpressU does not know the name of your contact, but only the email, the contact is created without a name.
You can add the name afterwards, or simply keep it with just the email. If you are sending to a group, i.e. contacts with the same TAG, you simply write the name of the relevant TAG. XpressU sends your presentation to all these contacts at once. Each of them will still receive a unique link so you can get individual stats.

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