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All your product card options, product image options and product labels.

Jalal avatar
Written by Jalal
Updated over a week ago

The products settings contain the settings for all your social media links across your webshop.

To edit your Products settings you'll have to navigate to the settings.
Click on the 'Theme settings' in the left sidebar, its indicated with the following icon:

When clicked, on the right sidebar your theme settings will open:

Now click on 'Products', the following settings will open:

Product labels

Show 'Sale' label on products:
Enable this if you want to enable the sale labels on products. The sale label will load when you've entered an old price.

Show 'Last stock!' on products:
When the stock is running low on products, you can show a label on the products to inform that the stock is low. Check this box to enable this option.

Stock level to show 'Last stock!' label:
Determine from what stock level you want to show the label.

Show price range on productcards:
Check this box to show the price ranges of the product variants on the productcards. For example if the Red color is $10,- and the blue color $20, the price on the productcard will show as: $10 - $20

Metafield: custom label:
Create a metafield for a custom label and enter the namespace and key here.
In this case: custom.label

Product stock

Show available product stock:
Check this option if you want to show the stock of the products.

Product ratings

Show product ratings:
Check this option if you want to show the rating your products. The rating will be pulled from your review app.

Product vendor

Show product vendor
Check the box to show the product vendor name on the productcards.

Product short description

Show product short description:
Select if you want to show a short description. You can set this on None, Part of the product description or custom short description.

Metafield custom short description:
Create a metafield for the custom short description and enter the namespace and key here. This way you can show your custom short description that you've entered at the product metafield.


Show product titles in ALL CAPS:
Want to show your titles in ALL CAPS, select this box.

Color Swatches

Enable color swatches:
Check this setting if you want to enable the color swatches.

Color swatches name:

Fill in the trigger to activate the color swatches. The trigger is the option name used for the color swatches, for example 'Color' or 'Colour'. You can add multiple names by entering each on a separate line.
Color swatches will work automaticly, for example if the color of the product is 'Red' or 'Bright Sparkling Red' it will automaticly give it the 'Red' color swatchs.

Custom colors:
Do you want to use custom colors? So like in the example above, you dont wan't 'Red' and 'Bright Sparkling Red' to have the same colors? You can add them here. For each color: enter on a separate line the name of the color, then a colon (:) followed by the hex code. For example: Bright Sparkling Red: #DC143C.

Note: If a product has a "Color" option, but each variant is associated with a product image; then the images are simply displayed. If not every variant is associated with an image, the color swatches are shown.

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