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Default pages

Everything you will need to know on how to setup your default pages

Jalal avatar
Written by Jalal
Updated over a week ago

The default pages are preconfigured pages that we've already custom made for you.
That way you don't have to make these pages from scratch. These come in handy if you want to have certain pages.
We've made an Default page, FAQ, Contact and an About us page for you already.

Default page:

FAQ page:

Contact page:

About us page:

How to edit the pages?

The pages contains different sections, however you can add more sections and blocks, edit them and remove them. You can use all the sections that are used on the homepage. But it is nice to have a template you can work with!

First you'll have to navigate to the search page template.
You can do this by navigating to Pages > 'page you want to edit' in the top bar of the theme editor.

Once on this page, the default template is ready to be editted!

As stated before, the pages use blocks and sections that are globally used around the template. You can find the manuals of the sections in our documentation.

General settings

The general settings contains the settings for the styling and layout of the default pages
Simply click on the 'section' to open the settings.

On the right sidebar, the following settings will show


Color scheme
Select the color scheme for the section. This will be the main color of the section

Banner height:
This setting will determine the height of the content.

Banner width:
Would you like the content to stretch over the full width of the page or a boxed with.
The boxed with has whitespace at the left and the right of the content.

Text alignment:
Select how you want the text to behave with the alignment.

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