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Optimize your store speed
Jalal avatar
Written by Jalal
Updated over a week ago

Improving your store's speed is a priority, but it's essential to understand that the primary reason for slow loading isn't your store's design or theme. We invest time and effort to ensure our themes are optimized with efficient code for a smooth shopping experience.

However, as time goes by, your store's speed may decrease. To help you maintain optimal performance, consider the following recommendations:

Optimize Store Images: Pay special attention to image sizes, as large images can slow down your site. Make sure to use the right image dimensions, and you can use online tools to assist with this.

Manage Image Sizes: While high-quality images are attractive, remember that larger images take longer to load. Consider using slightly smaller images for elements like slideshows to strike a balance between quality and speed.

Uninstall Unused Apps: While apps offer valuable features, some may have a negative impact on your store's speed. Regularly review your installed apps and remove any that are no longer in use.

Be Strategic with Apps: Limit the number of apps that significantly alter your store's appearance and functionality. Some apps, such as payment gateways, won't affect your site's performance.

Clean Up Codes After Uninstalling Apps: After removing an app, reach out to the app developers to ensure there is no leftover code, which can slow down your site over time.

Consider Shopify Features: Be aware that some built-in Shopify features, like the 'dynamic checkout button,' can affect your store's speed. If needed, you can deactivate this feature.

Plan Your Page Layout: While showcasing many products and sections on your homepage might seem appealing, it can lead to slower loading times. Aim for a homepage with just a few well-structured sections.

Use Maps Carefully: If a map isn't essential on your homepage, consider not adding it. Maps can be resource-intensive and may affect site performance. You can place maps on other pages instead.

Limit Video Usage: Videos enhance user engagement but may slow down your site if overused. Avoid placing multiple videos on lengthy pages to prevent performance issues.

Don't Obsess Over Speed: After implementing these tips, don't spend too much time about your speed score. Some factors influencing your store's speed are beyond your control. Remember, a fast-loading site is essential, but it doesn't have to be super-fast. If it feels responsive, it's likely fast enough, and there's no need to invest excessive time in further optimization.

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