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What You Can Do with Microsoft Teams Integration in Yoom
What You Can Do with Microsoft Teams Integration in Yoom

As of Dec 7, 2023

Yuki Omori avatar
Written by Yuki Omori
Updated this week

📝 Overview

With Yoom, you can send messages to Teams, create channels, and trigger Flowbots by detecting posts in channels or chats.

🙌 What You Can Do

  • Trigger a Flowbot when a message is sent to a specific channel or chat

  • Send messages without directly opening Microsoft Teams

  • Create channels or schedule events without directly opening Microsoft Teams

🙅‍♂️ What You Cannot Do

  • Actions not listed below, such as downloading or uploading files

🏃‍♀️ List of Actions

🔹 Trigger Actions



When a message is sent to a channel

If a message is posted to a specific channel during the trigger interval, Flowbot is triggered.

When a message is sent to a chat

If a message is posted to a specific chat during the trigger interval, Flowbot is triggered.

🔹 Integrate with Apps Actions



Get Team List

You can retrieve a list of team IDs, team names, etc.

Get Team Members List

You can get the user IDs and user names of members belonging to a specific team.

Get Channel List

You can retrieve a list of channel IDs, channel names, etc.

Send Message to Channel

You can send a message to a specific channel.

Send Message to Chat

You can send a message to a specific chat.

Get Chat List

You can retrieve a list of chat IDs, topics, etc.

Create Channel

You can create a new channel.

Add Members to Private Channel

You can add members to a private channel.

Send Message to Channel (with Mention)

You can send a message that mentions the entire channel.

Create Event in Calendar

You can add an event with an online meeting URL to the Teams calendar.

Get User Presence

Retrieve the current status (online, offline, away, etc.) of a specific user in Microsoft Teams.

Reply to Message Posted in Channel

Respond to a message that has been posted in a channel by typing and sending a reply directly in the conversation.

📚 Related Guides

Search Keywords

teams, Microsoft teams, 365, O365, Office, What you can do, What you cannot do, action list, trigger action, integrate with app, trigger, conditions, descriptions

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