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What You Can Do with Salesforce Integration in Yoom
What You Can Do with Salesforce Integration in Yoom

As of Jul 5, 2024

Yoom 青柳 avatar
Written by Yoom 青柳
Updated this week

📝 Overview

By integrating Salesforce with Yoom, you can:

✔️ add, update, and retrieve data from Salesforce objects

✔️ set up triggers to automatically start Flowbots based on Salesforce actions.

This guide explains the capabilities and limitations of Salesforce integration in Yoom.

🙌 What You Can Do

Trigger Flowbots Automatically

  • Start a Flowbot when a record is registered or updated in Salesforce objects like Lead, Account, Opportunity, or Contract.

Receive Outbound Messages

  • Trigger a Flowbot when an outbound message is received from Salesforce.

Manage Records Without Opening Salesforce

  • Register, edit, delete, or retrieve records in Salesforce objects directly through Yoom.

  • Upload files and associate them with records without accessing Salesforce.

  • Download reports without opening Salesforce.

Sync Salesforce Data

  • Sync a list of records from Salesforce objects to the Yoom database.

🙅 What You Cannot Do

  • Any operations not listed in the action list below.

✏️ Salesforce Integration Setup Notes

  • Salesforce integration is available only on Yoom's paid plans.

  • While the Free plans allow configuration, Flowbots and Data Connect will not work on these plans.

⚖️ Differences between “Manage Database” and “Integrate with Apps”

🔹 Manage database

  • Use this for basic operations like adding, retrieving, editing, or deleting records in Salesforce objects.

🔹 Integrate with apps

  • Use this for actions involving files uploads, downloads, and report retrievals.

🏃‍♀️ Action List for Salesforce Integration

🔹 Trigger Actions


Trigger Conditions

When a new lead record is created

Starts when a new record is added in Lead (based on My Domain URL).

When a new account record is created

Starts when a new record is added in Account (based on My Domain URL).

When a new opportunity record is created

Starts when a new record is added in Opportunity (based on My Domain URL).

When a new contact record is created

Starts when a new record is added in Contact (based on My Domain URL).

When a lead record is created or updated

Starts when a record is registered or updated in Lead (based on My Domain URL).

When an account record is created or updated

Starts when a record is registered or updated in Account (based on My Domain URL).

When an opportunity record is created or updated

Starts when a record is registered or updated in Opportunity (based on My Domain URL).

When a contact record is created or updated

Starts when a record is registered or updated in Contact (based on My Domain URL).

When a new custom record is created

Starts when a new record is registered in a custom object (based on API reference name, fields to retrieve, and My Domain URL).

When a custom record is created or updated

Starts when a record is registered or updated in a custom object (based on API reference name, fields to retrieve, and My Domain URL).

When an activity record is created

Starts when a new record is registered in Activity object (based on My Domain URL).

When a to-do record is created

Starts when a new record is registered in Task object (based on My Domain URL).

When a file is uploaded to a record

Triggers an action when a file is uploaded to a record.

When an outbound message is received

Triggers an action when any object or field is updated in Salesforce via an outbound message.

👉 For more details, check here.

🔹 Chrome Extension Trigger Actions


Trigger Conditions

Launch from lead object record

Triggers action from the lead record in Yoom Chrome Extension.

Launch from account object record

Triggers action from the account record in Yoom Chrome Extension.

Launch from contact object record

Triggers action from a Contact record in Yoom Chrome Extension.

Launch from opportunity object record

Triggers action from an Opportunity record in Yoom Chrome Extension.

Launch from custom object record

Triggers action from a Custom record in Yoom Chrome Extension.

🔹 Integrate with Apps Actions



Retrieve Lead records

Get record details from the Lead object.

Update Lead records

Modify record details in the Lead object.

Create Lead records

Add new records to the Lead object.

Search Lead records

Find records in the Lead object.

Search Lead records (Excluding deleted)

Search for records in the Lead object that are not deleted.

Retrieve Latest Lead record

Get the most recent record from the Lead object.

Register Activity History for Lead

Log an interaction or event history for a Lead record.

Register To-Do for Lead

Create a new task associated with a Lead record.

Register Activity for Lead

Log an activity (e.g., call, meeting) for a Lead record.

Retrieve Account records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, retrieve specific record details from the Account object.

Update Account records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, update record details in the Account object.

Create Account records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, create new records in the Account object.

Search Account records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, search for records within the Account object.

Search Account records (Excluding deleted)

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, search for records within the Account object that have not been deleted.

Register Activity History for Account

Log activity history related to an Account.

Register To-Do for Account

Create a new to-do task associated with an Account.

Register Activity for Account

Log an activity related to an Account.

Register Email Message for Account

Associate an email message with an Account.

Retrieve Opportunity records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, retrieve specific record details from the Opportunity object.

Update Opportunity records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, update record details in the Opportunity object.

Create Opportunity records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, create new records in the Opportunity object.

Search Opportunity records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, search for records within the Opportunity object.

Search Opportunity records (Excluding deleted)

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, search for records within the Opportunity object that have not been deleted.

Register Activity History for Opportunity

Log activity history related to an Opportunity.

Register To-Do for Opportunity

Create a new to-do task associated with an Opportunity.

Register Activity for Opportunity

Log an activity related to an Opportunity.

Register Email Message for Opportunity

Associate an email message with an Opportunity.

Retrieve Contact record

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, retrieve specific record details from the Contact object.

Update Contact record

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, update record details in the Contact object.

Create Contact record

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, create new records in the Contact object.

Search Contact record

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, search for records within the Contact object.

Search Contact records (Excluding deleted)

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, search for records within the Contact object that have not been deleted.

Register Activity History for Contact

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, log an activity (e.g., call, meeting) related to a Contact.

Register To-Do for Contact

Create a new to-do task associated with a Contact.

Register Activity for Contact

Log an activity related to a Contact.

Retrieve Contract records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, retrieve specific record details from the Contract object.

Update Contract records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, update record details in the Contract object.

Create Contract records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, create new records in the Contract object.

Delete Contract records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, delete records from the Contract object.

Retrieve Custom records

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, retrieve specific record details from a custom object.

Update Custom record

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, update record details in a custom object.

Create Custom record

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, create new records in a custom object.

Search Custom record

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, search for records within a custom object.

Search Custom records (Excluding deleted)

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, search for records within a custom object that have not been deleted.

Register Activity History for Custom

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, log an activity (e.g., call, meeting) related to a custom record.

Register To-Do for Custom

Create a new to-do task associated with a custom record.

Register Activity for Custom

Log an activity related to a custom record.

Register Email Message for Custom

Associate an email message with a custom record.

Upload File to Link with Record

Using the My Domain URL information, upload a file to Salesforce and link it to a record.

Get File Content ID

Using the My Domain URL and other necessary information, obtain the content ID of the uploaded file for linking to a record.

Link File to Record

Using the My Domain URL and the obtained content ID, link the uploaded file to the target record.

Download Report

Using the My Domain URL and the report ID, download a report file created in Salesforce as an Excel file.

Retrieve File Content IDs Linked to Record

Retrieve the content IDs of files that are linked to a record in Salesforce.

Get Latest Content Version ID

Retrieve the most recent content version ID of a file.

Download File

Download a file from Salesforce

Register User

Register user to Salesforce

Register Email Message

Register an email message in Salesforce.

Link Email Message to Person

Link an email message to a specific person in Salesforce.

Custom Connect

Allow custom configuration for integration

🔹 Manage Database Actions



Add record

Add a record to a specified Salesforce object.

Retrieve record

Get specific records from a Salesforce object.

Get multiple records

(up to 200)

Get multiple records from a Salesforce object.

Update record

Modify existing records in a Salesforce object.

Delete record

Remove a record from a Salesforce object.

📚 Related Guides

Related Keywords

Salesforce, My App, Salesforce Integration, Yoom, API, Automation

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