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Stand Downs

You can only be stood down under very specific circumstances.

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Written by YWAS Team
Updated over 11 months ago

What is a stand down?

A stand down is where you are still employed but you are no longer working or receiving any payment. Stand downs can only happen in instances where you cannot be usefully employed through no fault of your employer. This may happen in cases where your workplace is forced to shut down under instruction from the Government or due to the impact of a natural disaster. 

If you can be usefully employed to do tasks other than those which you regularly do then you cannot be stood down. 

Stand downs are not a standard practice. If you have been stood down you need to seek urgent advice. You can contact your Union or The Young Workers Advice Service:

Should I be paid during a stand down?

If you have been legitimately stood down then your employer is not legally required to pay you. Regardless, in the event of a stand down you should seek immediate advice. It may be a good idea to try to negotiate with your employer to reduce your hours or to allow you to access your paid leave rather than standing you down without pay. 

What do I do if I think my stand down might not be legitimate?

If you have a question about whether or not a stand down in your workplace is legitimate, you should contact your union immediately or provide your email and phone number so that we can get in contact with you.   

Shut downs

A shut down is different to a stand down. A shutdown is when a business temporarily closes, such as over a holiday period.

An employee can be directed to take annual leave during a shutdown if their award or registered agreement allows it.

To find out more about your entitlements during a shutdown contact us:

To find out more about how to join your union, visit UnionACT or have a look at our fact sheet here

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