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Apprentice Rights

This fact sheet has some basic info on your rights as an apprentice.

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Written by YWAS Team
Updated over 11 months ago

As an apprentice, your rights at work are mostly the same an any other employee. You have the right to at least the minimum wage, a safe and healthy workplace and minimum conditions. There are also additional requirements around your employment as an apprentice.

Workplace Health and Safety

It is important that your employer provides a full induction when you start work, including advising you of any health and safety hazards in that workplace and what to do in case of accidents and injuries. You also have the right to a safe and healthy workplace that is free from bullying and harassment. Additionally, apprentices should be provided with supervision when working.

Training Rights

Apprentices should be given the opportunity develop their knowledge and skills at work. Your employer should maintain a record of your training and notify the relevant authorities when you complete your training. Most awards include that apprentices must be paid for time spent at training (including time spent at a trade school) and be reimbursed for training costs. Your employer should also be providing all the tools, equipment and PPE you need to work.

Apprentice Wages

Apprentice wages are a percentage of a tradespersons wage. The percentage depends on how long the apprenticeship is and how much training you have completed. Your wages should increase when you've been doing your apprenticeship for a certain amount of time (e.g. 12 months) or when you've completed a set amount of the training.

Support and Advice

The Young Workers Advice Service can provide advice and support concerning issues around your employment. For more broad support regarding the apprenticeship process or to lodge a complaint about your apprenticeship you should contact Skills Canberra at 6205 8555 or visit their website.

If you would like further info or advice from the Young Workers Advice Service please email us at

To find out more about how to join your union, visit UnionsACT or have a look at our fact sheet here.

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