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Job details screen explained
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

In this article we will explain the detailed 'job details' screen and all the insights it delivers!

Every ride in YourDriverApp will have job details. This part will contain valuable information about the ride that has just been created. You can access the job details by clicking on the Jobs tab. When you've dispatched a job, you will find the job under the tab 'Dispatch panel' and when you received a job, you will find your job under 'My jobs'.


Within the job details overview you will see the following info:

Booking and trip details

In the upper section of the job details you can find all the information regarding the booking and the trip itself. You can see the booking number, when the trip is booked for, pickup and (if available) drop off details, car type and passenger (contact) information.

Dispatch and driver (administration) details

In the middle section of the job details you can see all the info which is important for you as driver and/or dispatcher of the job:

  • Owner: Who has ownership of this job? This can either be a group or a person.

  • Origin: Where was the job created from? This can either be YourDriverApp or an external source such as Karhoo, a Passenger App, etc. More about that here.

  • Dispatcher: Who's the dispatcher for this job?

  • Driver: Who is the driver for this job? If no one was assigned for this job it shows 'dispatch failed'. If you shared this job, you will see 'shared via link'.

  • Calculation: How is the price calculated, is it fixed or is it calculated in taxi by meter?

  • Price: If the price is available it is shown here.

  • Payment: Should the ride be paid directly to the driver or should the ride be paid by invoice?

  • Commission: What type of commission is set?

  • Status: Here you will see the actual status of this job, also when you click on the status you get access to the dispatch log.

Dispatch now & Update job status button

  1. When you are the dispatcher of the job, you will see the option 'Dispatch now'.

  2. When you are the driver of the job, you will see 'Update job status'.

For the dispatcher of the job
When you are the dispatcher you will see 'dispatch now', in the middle of your page. With this button you can dispatch a new job or you can use this option to re-assign a job which wasn't accepted when you tried to dispatch it the first time. When you click on this button, you will have the following options to re-dispatch the job.

  • Dispatch to a group: You will dispatch the job to a group you select, you can only see groups which allow foreign job ownership.

  • Assign to driver: By choosing this option you can either choose to assign yourself 'Me' as the driver for this job so you are now in charge of processing this job correctly, or you can assign the job to a specific driver (contact) if you're basically offering them the job individually.

  • Share outside YourDriverApp: Here you can share any job from YourDriverApp to your messenger platform of choice. Read more about this exciting feature here.

  • Cancel job: You will cancel the job, and it will be removed from your job overview.

At the top right of your screen, you will see this options


icon. When you click this, you will have the options to:

  1. Navigate to pickup (the app will redirect you to Google Maps and fill in the route).

  2. Edit job.

  3. Call driver (if they haven't reacted yet).

For the driver of the job
When you are assigned as driver for this job you will not see the dispatch now button, instead you will see the 'Update job status button'. Through this button you can start processing the job. You can find more about how to process your job here.

At the top right of your screen, you will see this options


icon. When you click this, you will have the options to:

  1. Navigate to pickup (the app will redirect you to Google Maps and fill in the route).

  2. Add to calendar (add this job to your own calendar).

  3. Call dispatcher (call your dispatcher, if needed).

  4. Message dispatcher (open a chat with the dispatcher, if needed).

  5. Call passenger (if their number is filled in by the dispatcher).

Map and ride log

The map
The map will show the location of you or your driver relative to the pickup or drop off. This means that, based on that information, you can decide whether the driver needs to hurry, or let the passenger know that the driver may be a bit late.

(Ride) log
The ride log gives you insight in every action taken regarding the job, from creation to dispatching to driver. So basically the log gives you comprehensive insight into everything that has happened to a ride from creation until completion.

Job Report (Currently only available for Android)
The job report is only shown when the ride has been completed. This will show a final report of the ride, where the driver really picked up the passenger and where he really dropped the passenger off. It also shows an overview of the total price and if/how much the driver needs to pay the owner or the owner needs to pay the driver. The job report also shows the passenger and operator ratings given to the driver, if there are any. If there is no passenger rating the dispatcher can send a rating request to the passenger.

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