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An introduction to job dispatching
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

In this article we will explain how you can dispatch and/or assign a created job to yourself or other driver(s) in your (YourDriverApp) network.

Dispatching a job within your network of drivers is without a doubt one of the most powerful features in YourDriverApp and there are several ways to do this.

Important to note! - You are completely in charge of your own group and the dispatching process:

  • We will never dispatch outside your group. You will always be in charge of your network of customers, drivers and dispatching.

  • The system will also take into account the vehicle type of the drivers in your fleet.

  • When the first selected driver does not accept, the job offer will be passed to the nearest drivers in the sequence.

How does dispatching a job to a driver work? Dispatching within YourDriverApp starts by creating a job. You can either create a job in the 'jobs' screen, or within a group by clicking the



YourDriverApp offers five ways to assign (dispatch) a job to a driver:

  • Dispatch a job by assigning it to yourself: Assign to me.

  • Dispatch a job by assigning it to a driver: Assign to driver.

  • Auto dispatch in group

  • Dispatch a job by sharing it via external sources: Share job.

  • Save job and dispatch later.

You can select any one of these options by clicking 'change', at the bottom of your 'create a job' screen. (see image).


Assign to me

By choosing this option you choose to assign yourself as the driver for this job. You are now in charge of processing this job correctly.


Assign to driver

By assigning the job to a specific driver (contact) you're basically offering them the job. You can assign a driver in your driver list, or contact someone who's in your mobile phone contact list. If they use YourDriverApp, they will receive a notification within YourDriverApp, if they do not use the app yet, you can send them a message via WhatsApp with the job offer.

The assign to driver option is best suited for pre bookings where the pickup time is more than one hour ahead and you are familiar with the assigned driver. For on demand/ASAP bookings where the requested pickup time is less than one hour ahead (or you are not so familiar with the driver's service), we advise you to use any of the other dispatch options where the driver has the option to decline a job and availability is taken into account. After assigning the job to a driver, the system asks the receiving driver to confirm he has received the job.


Automated dispatching (in a group)

If you've already created or joined your first closed group of drivers, you also have the option to choose any of your groups to which you wish to dispatch the job. When you choose auto dispatch, the system will make use of the state-of-the-art algorithm which uses three factors to pick a driver: a) the proximity to the pickup address, b) the time since their last booking was received and c) the driver score. Read more about our dispatch algorithm here.


Share job

Choosing this option means that you're sharing the job offer to a group of drivers that you currently use in an external messaging system such as WhatsApp, Telegram or email. When selecting this option, the system will automatically generate a link and message for this job, which you can dispatch into your external group. When this link is clicked by one of your drivers in the external group, they will be referred to YourDriverApp, from where they can accept the job offer. This option is extremely useful if your group is not completely transferred to YourDriverApp.


Save job and dispatch later

By choosing this option, the job is saved in the group dispatch panel so that it can be assigned later to a driver or be auto-dispatched by any of your group operators or group admins. Please note that the dispatch panel is only available in the group menu.

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