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The 'Personal' Menu - My Jobs
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

In this article you will learn more about the 'My Jobs' section in the 'Personal' menu of the YourDriverApp Web Portal. In the 'Personal' menu you can find all information for you individually regarding:

It is very important to understand that the My Jobs section has two kinds of job overview tabs:

  • Me as driver: In this tab you will only find jobs where you are the driver of the job.

  • Me as owner: In this tab you find all jobs where you are the owner of the job.

Me as driver
In this specific tab you can see all jobs that you are assigned to as the driver. This can be jobs where you are also the owner of the job, but it is also possible that you are not the owner, just the driver. Therefore the 'Me as driver' overview is a bit different from the 'Me as owner' overview. The overview for 'Me as driver' contains the following info:

  • Owner: Here you can see who the owner of the job is (for example this can be you, another driver, a group or an external company).

  • Reference: This is the reference ID number of the job.

  • Requested pickup time: The pickup time as requested by the creator of the job.

  • Pickup: The pickup location as requested by the creator of the job.

  • Status: Here you can see the current status of the job (active/completed/cancelled).

  • Driver Price: The driver price is the amount the driver receives for the job.

  • Driver Settlement: In the driver settlement the amount is shown which the driver receives from the job owner, or the amount the driver needs to pay to the job owner (commission fees etc)

  • Payment Method: Here you can see if the job is paid on account (pay by invoice) or online, or that the job is paid in taxi to the driver (pay the driver).

When you click on a specific job you navigate directly to the job details overview of that specific ride.

Me as owner
In this specific tab you can see all jobs where you are the owner. The overview for 'Me as owner' contains the following info:

  • Driver: Here you can see who is/was the assigned driver for this job

  • Reference: This is the reference ID number of the job.

  • Requested pickup time: The pickup time as requested by the creator of the job.

  • Pickup: The pickup location as requested by the creator of the job.

  • Status: Here you can see the current status of the job (active/completed/cancelled)

  • Fare amount: Here you can see the fare amount of the job, so the amount the passenger needs to pay.

  • Payment method: Here you can see if the job is paid on account (pay by invoice) or online, or that the job is paid in taxi to the driver (pay the driver).

  • Commission: Here you can see the commission amount you earn as owner.

When you click on a specific job you navigate directly to the job details overview of that specific trip.

Search and export
In the My Jobs overview you can search for jobs through the 'Search here' feature. You can also search on specific statuses and/or on specific date (frames). Through the 'Export jobs' button you can export those jobs out of the YourDriverApp Portal into Excel for your administration. Notice that the Excel file has 2 tabs, one for 'Me as driver' and one for 'Me as owner'.

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