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The 'Personal' Menu - My Ratings
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over 10 months ago

In this article you will learn more about the 'My Ratings' section in the 'Personal' menu of the YourDriverApp Web Portal. In the 'Personal' menu you can find all the information for you individually regarding:

In the My Ratings screen you can see an overview of all the ratings you've received. Through the 'Search here' feature next to the hourglass you can lookup any rating you have received as a driver or as an owner.

It is important to understand that the My Ratings section has two kinds of rating tabs:

  • Me as driver: In this tab you will only find ratings where you are the driver of the job.

  • Me as owner: In this tab you find all ratings for all drivers where you are the owner of the job.

In the rating overview you will find all the necessary information per rating, such as the score (1 to 5 stars) and comments.

When you click on one of the ratings you will navigate to the job details screen of that specific job.

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