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Import Unbilled And Unsettled Billed Time Entries, Expenses, Invoices, And Payments
Import Unbilled And Unsettled Billed Time Entries, Expenses, Invoices, And Payments

Import Unbilled And Unsettled Billed Time Entries, Expenses, Invoices, And Payments Into ZenCase From Another System

Christine Clark avatar
Written by Christine Clark
Updated over a year ago

What Do We Allow For Import?

We currently support the following data to be imported into ZenCase via a CSV file which must be imported in the following order:

It is best to download the import templates provided below and to ensure the data is consistently formatted to match the template for the best migration success of your firm's data.

It is recommended to have a backup of your firm's data in a secure file system or data center to ensure no data is lost.

Note: All Importers are limited to 100,000 records per CSV file.

How to Import Unbilled And Unsettled Billed Invoices

Importing Unbilled And Unsettled Billed Invoices into ZenCase can be done via uploading a CSV file from the Prebilled page and Invoices page in ZenCase.

You can use our CSV template file to ensure you format your CSV correctly.
Download Invoices Template

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must import Members, Contacts, Matters, and Tasks BEFORE you import Invoices.

Fields that can be imported for invoices in this specific order:

Field Name

Data Type


Import Rules

Invoice Number



Must be an integer and unique.

Import Number


For reference purposes only.

Invoice Date

date string


Format: MM-DD-YYYY or MM-DD-YY.
Example: 05-01-2020 or 05-01-20 for May 1, 2020.

Client Number

number or string


This is the contact's number.
These are defined in Contacts table

Originator Number

number or string


This is the member's number.
These are defined in Members table

Due Date

date string


Format: MM-DD-YYYY or MM-DD-YY.
Example: 05-01-2020 or 05-01-20 for May 1, 2020.

Term Days

number or string

Default is 15.
These are defined in the Invoice Terms table

Invoice Amount

number or string


Must be greater than or equal to zero.

Discount Amount

number or string

Must be greater than or equal to zero if set.

Discount Note




Options: "Preparing", "In Review", "Approved", "Invoiced", "Partial Paid", and "Paid".

Private Note


Customer Memo


Sent to Ebilling


Default is "N".
Options: "Y", "N". Values represent "Y" for yes and "Y" for yes.



Supports comma separated list.

Upload Your CSV Files

Once you have your CSV file filled out, you can then upload your CSV from ZenCase:

  • Go to the Prebilled page or Invoices page in ZenCase

  • Click the "Import Invoices from CSV" button

  • Choose the CSV file you want to upload

  • Click "Save"

  • Once your import is complete, you will receive an email letting you know whether your import has successfully been imported or if there are any failures.

How to Import Unbilled And Unsettled Billed Time Entries and Expenses

Importing Time Entries, Fixed Fees, and Expenses into ZenCase can be done via uploading a CSV file from the Time and Expenses page in ZenCase.

You can use our CSV template file to ensure you format your CSV correctly.
Download Time and Expense Template

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must import Members, Contacts, Matters, Tasks and Invoices BEFORE you import Time Entries and Expenses.

Fields that can be imported for time entries and expenses in this specific order:

Field Name

Data Type


Import Rules

Charge Number

number or string


Must be unique.
Note: ZenCase will auto-number charges and this value will be stored as "import number" when viewing charges in the charges table. You can view the column by clicking "Settings" and turn on the column for "Import Number".

Import Number


For reference purposes only.

Charge Type



Options: "Time Entry", "Fixed Fee", "Expense"

Transaction Date

date string


Format: MM-DD-YYYY or MM-DD-YY.
Example: 05-01-2020 or 05-01-20 for May 1, 2020.

Matter Number

number or string


This is the matter's number.
These are defined in Matters table

Member Number

number or string


This is the member's number.
These are defined in Members table

Task Number



Required if description empty
This is the task's number. These are defined in Tasks table

Invoice Number

number or string

This is the invoice's number.
These are defined in Invoices table

Vendor Name



Required for "Expense" type only
These are defined in Vendors table

Vendor Invoice Number

string or number




Required if task number empty



Default is "N". Only applies to "Time Entry" type.
Options: "Y", "N". Values represent "Y" for yes and "Y" for yes.

Important Note: For time entries, when billable is set to "N", then the bill rate will automatically be set to zero regardless if you have bill rate set in the csv cell. For "No Charge" time entries, we recommend applying a "Fixed Amount" discount for the total amount of the charge with a discount note as "No Charge".

Show On Bill


Default is "Y". Only applies to "Time Entry" type.
Options: "Y", "N". Values represent "Y" for yes and "Y" for yes.

Actual Hours

number or string


Required for "Time Entry" type only). Must be greater than or equal to zero.
Note: This field can also be used for "Quantity" when you have expenses that are quantity rate expenses, such as mileage.

Adjusted Hours

number or string


Required for "Time Entry" type only). Must be greater than or equal to zero.
Note: For time entries, If you do not have a value for adjusted hours, we recommend using the same value as actual hours. If you set adjusted hours to "0", then the total amount may be recalculated as adjusted hours * bill rate = total amount.

Bill Rate

number or string


Required for "Time Entry" type only)

  • Note: Bill rate is limited to 5 decimal places, so round accordingly.

  • Total Amount = number or string (required for "Fixed Fee" and "Expense" type only). Must be greater than or equal to zero.

  • Set the "bill rate" field which will be used for "Rate" when you have expenses that are quantity rate expenses, such as mileage.

  • Important Note: If you do not want bill rate set for expenses, then leave the field blank. If bill rate is set to "0" in the template file, expenses will be recognized as a quantity rate expense and the total amount may be re-calculated to $0.

Discount Hours

number or string

Must be greater than or equal to zero if set.

Discount Amount

number or string

Must be greater than or equal to zero if set.

Discount Type


Options: "Fixed Amount" or "Percent"

Discount Note


Show Discount on Invoice


Default is "Y".
Options: "Y", "N". Values represent "Y" for yes and "Y" for yes.

LEDES Task Code


LEDES Activity Code


LEDES Expense Code




Supports comma separated list.

Upload Your CSV Files

Once you have your CSV file filled out, you can then upload your CSV from ZenCase:

  • Go to the Time and Expenses page in ZenCase

  • Click the "Import Time and Expenses from CSV" button

  • Choose the CSV file you want to upload

  • Click "Save"

  • Once your import is complete, you will receive an email letting you know whether your import has successfully been imported or if there are any failures.

How to Import Unsettled Payments

Importing Unsettled Payments into ZenCase can be done via uploading a CSV file from the Payments page in ZenCase.

You can use our CSV template file to ensure you format your CSV correctly.
Download Payments Template

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must import Members, Contacts, Matters, Tasks, Invoices, Time Entries and Expense BEFORE you import Payments.

Fields that can be imported for payments in this specific order:

Field Name

Data Type


Import Rules

Payment Number



Must be an integer and unique.

Import Number


For reference purposes only.

Transaction Date

date string


Format: MM-DD-YYYY or MM-DD-YY.
Example: 05-01-2020 or 05-01-20 for May 1, 2020.

Client Number

number or string


This is the contact's number.
These are defined in Contacts table

Matter Number

number or string


Required for multiple matters template.
This is the matter's number. These are defined in Matters table

Payer Number

number or string


This is the payer's number.
These are defined in Contacts table

Payment Reference


Payment Type



This is the payment method name.
These are defined in the Payment Methods table
Note: Payment Methods also support "Credit Memo" and "Write-Off" types.

Payment Amount

number or string


Payment Description


Payment Note




Supports comma separated list.

Upload Your CSV Files

Once you have your CSV file filled out, you can then upload your CSV from ZenCase:

  • Go to the Payments page in ZenCase

  • Click the "Import Payments from CSV" button

  • Choose the CSV file you want to upload

  • Click "Save"

  • Once your import is complete, you will receive an email letting you know whether your import has successfully been imported or if there are any failures.

How to Import Unsettled Payment Allocations

Importing Unsettled Payment Allocations into ZenCase can be done via uploading a CSV file from the Payments page in ZenCase.

You can use our CSV template file to ensure you format your CSV correctly.
Download Payment Allocations Template

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must import Members, Contacts, Matters, Tasks, Invoices, Time Entries and Expense, and Payments BEFORE you import Payment Allocations.

Fields that can be imported for payment allocations in this specific order:

Field Name

Data Type


Import Rules

Payment Number



Must be an integer and unique.
These are defined in Payments table

Invoice Number



Must be an integer and unique.
These are defined in Invoices table

Allocation Amount



Must be greater than zero.
Note: Payments will be allocated to invoices based on our the business rule that expenses are paid first from oldest to newest, then time entries and fees will be paid from oldest to newest. ZenCase will automatically allocate the proper amounts to each time entry and expense accordingly, so please ensure the transaction dates on all charges are correct.

Upload Your CSV Files

Once you have your CSV file filled out, you can then upload your CSV from ZenCase:

  • Go to the Payments page in ZenCase

  • Click the "Import Payment Allocations from CSV" button

  • Choose the CSV file you want to upload

  • Click "Save"

  • Once your import is complete, you will receive an email letting you know whether your import has successfully been imported or if there are any failures.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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