Zylpha Online Bundling supports a variety of file types, including audio, video, and image files. These files can be easily added to your bundle, just like any other document.
When adding files to your bundle, it's important to note that some file types will be automatically converted to PDF format, while others will be added as attachments.
Converted to PDF
Files that can be converted to PDF, such as most image files, will be automatically converted and displayed in the generated bundle. This means that these files will appear as pages within the bundle, just like any other document.
Added as Attachments
Some files cannot be converted to PDF, such as audio and video files. In this case, the files are automatically added to the bundle as attachments. This means that the documents will appear as hyperlinked pages within the bundle, and when clicked, they will open in their native application (such as Excel or Windows Media Player).
This allows you to easily include a variety of file types in your bundle, without having to worry about compatibility issues.
Example hyperlinked page: