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How Do I: Add New Users
How Do I: Add New Users
Updated over a week ago

How to: add new users

As a 1Place admin or Super User, you can add and manage other system users through the 'Users' section. (Settings, then My Users):

Users can be added via two different options: Add User (easiest for one at a time) or Upload User (convenient for adding multiple users at once).

Note: You can use the ‘My Users’ filter to search for a specific user or users. Your list of users can then be filtered by First Name, Last Name, Email address, Status or Profile.

Add User

Add an individual user to your 1Place system by clicking the green '+Add User' button.

Enter all the required details for the new user, including an initial set-up password (min 10 characters, 1 upper case), time zone and select permissions for the new profile as required or skip the entire profile section if you're using the existing profile,

Once you select which rooms the new user needs access to, then click green "Add" button.

Profile selection

A user’s ‘profile’ in 1Place is the set of access permissions they allocated within the system. You can select a Profile type from the drop-down box to see the details of each one. You can set up a new user with an Existing Profile, Create New Profile, or choose Super User Profile to set them up as an admin.

  1. Existing Profile: Select an existing profile from the Profile drop-down. This gives the new user the same access as other users with that profile.

  2. New Profile: Select 'Create a New Profile" from the Profile drop-down. Enter the New Profile Name, and then set the profile permissions as required. 

  3. New Profile, using existing profile as a template: This route can be used when you have an existing profile which has the majority of permissions needed, but it needs either less or more access permissions required.

    Select an existing profile to use as your template from the Profile drop-down box. Once selected, rename the profile. You may also potentially want to change some permissions, such as access by region, site or checklist.

For example, your new user could be “User B”. They need a profile which has similar permissions as that of another user (“User A”) but they are in a different position.

By using Profile A as a template, you would only have to change the access permissions relating to their role.

The Profile for a specific existing user can be accessed by clicking on that user’s Profile name.

This takes you to their Profile set-up page and allows you to amend the record if required.

Note: if the Profile has been assigned to several users any changes will affect all users.

To learn more about "Profiles", please refer to the below link:

Upload Users

When you have a batch or group of multiple users to enter into the system, 1Place makes it quick and easy with the Upload Users tool.

  • Click on the green 'Upload Users' button.

  • Generate the Template, excel spreadsheet will be downloaded to your computer.

    Note: we recommend to generate the template with other user's information (i.e. filters), so you can easily tell which columns need to be completed/can be skipped.

  • Enter all the details for the users into the excel spread sheet.

    Note1: The Profile for the User must already exist in the system when you're using the uploader. The profile can be added via My Profiles under Settings.
    Note2: Password for each user must be included in the spreadsheet.

  • Once complete, save the excel file, upload it by "Select File" then click on the green "Next" button.

  • The file will be validated and you'll see a summary of any potential errors.

If the data formatting is not correct, per an error message shown, click on the grey Cancel button to cancel the upload. Review the information in the file according to the error message.

Once your data and formatting has been amended correctly, you can proceed with the upload process again.

Note: if you delete the entire column, or you didn't select some of the columns in the above step 2, the details will remain empty, or remain the same if you're updating existing user details via uploader.

Note2: "Send Email" will send out the login activation email to the new user/existing user. If the user has never logged in 1Place before, tick off on this checkbox.

You can review the details you have entered here, and if you're happy with them, click on the green "Upload Data" button.

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