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Checklist Builder - Rules and Conditions

Instructions on how to create and manage Rules and Conditions

Updated over a week ago

In the new Builder there are 2 ways of creating new Rules. We will explain both options here.

Creating a Rule: Option 1

On the left side of the screen you click 'Manage Rules' to create new Rules, and update existing Rules. To create a new Rule click the green 'Create New Rule' button.

  1. Write your rule name or leave blank to auto populate; as the label describes, the Builder will create a Rule name based on the settings you apply in the below fields.

  2. Use Rule in Group; this will determine which Questions can use the new Rule. In the example below, if you want the Question 'What day is it today?' to trigger new Questions in the Group 'Indoor', you set the 'Use rule in Group' dropdown to 'Indoor'.

  3. Logic; if your Rule has multiple Conditions, you need to confirm if 'Any' or 'All' Conditions need to be satisfied.

  4. Group / Question / Answer; via these dropdown options you determine the Condition(s) that need to be satisfied. For the example above the Condition is that 'What day is it today?' = Monday.

Once the above has been set, you click 'Save'. The next step is to attach the Rule to a Question in the Group 'Indoor'. Click 'Edit' for each of the Questions where you want to apply the Rule, and then click 'Attach Rule' on the left.

You then see all Rules available in this Group and you select the Rule you want to attach. Then you select 'Attach Rule to Question'.

Please note: you can apply or remove Rules at any time, making it easier to make (part of) your Checklist 'Conditional'.

Creating a Rule: Option 2

The other method of creating a Rule is by clicking 'Edit' on the question where you want to attach a (new) Rule. When you click 'Attach Rule' you will see the option to create a new Rule, or you can attach an existing Rule (when available):

From here you follow the same steps as outlined in option 1 (above).

Trigger and Rule Chips

Where the current Builder shows you the Rules and possible additional questions on the main Template page, the new Builder will only show 'chips' showing if a question is a 'Trigger' Question (EG the question can lead to other questions), or if a 'Rule' has been applied to a Question (EG the Question will only show if the Rule Conditions have been met.

In our example Question 1 'What day is it today?' will Trigger Question 'Ensure there are enough resources available in each classroom' in the Group 'Indoor'. If the answer to Question 1 is any other day, the Question will not show.

View Rule Flow

On the left side of the screen, under 'Manage Rules, you see the 'View Rule Flow' button. Please note that the 'Rule' chip is clickable, and it will open the same screen. The screen shows you the Question that triggered the Flow, and a possible further Flow. If your Checklist has multiple Rules, they will appear by Group on the left of this screen.

Rules with multiple Conditions

Sometimes the icon in the 'Rule' chip has a slightly different icon in it. The icon indicates that the Question will only show when multiple Conditions are met. In the example below the Question 'Please describe what resources you require' has a different icon, as the Question is triggered by 'Ensure there are enough resources available in each classroom' in the same Group, and this Question was triggered by 'What day is it today?' in Group 1.

The Rule Flow for this scenario looks like this:

Question Types that can't have Rules attached

Not all Question Types will allow you to attach a Rule, due to system limitations at this moment. This affects the following Question Types:

  • Dynamic Datagrid

  • Fixed Datagrid

  • Datagrid

Video: How to create Rules

Please click on the image below to watch the video where we show you how to create Rules, and apply them to Questions.

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