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Checklist Schedules

Learn how to configure a Schedule for your Checklist if this needs to be completed on a recurring basis.

Updated over a year ago

If you want your Users to complete a Checklist Template on a recurring basis (EG daily, weekly, monthly etc.), you can create a Schedule so it will populate on their To-Do List when they are required to complete it.

Select the 'Checklist Templates' tab under the Checklist Manager screen. Find the correct Template and click the box under the 'Schedule' column. Then click the '+ New Schedule' button.

Schedule Details

  • Schedule Name: This will auto-populate with the Checklist Template name. You can amend it, but we recommend keeping it the same for Reporting purposes (quite often you need a combination of your Checklist Template + Schedule name).

  • Schedule for: You can select whether to schedule this for Franchisee or Site. On top of that, if you already set up a Franchisee Alias / Site Alias (via Home > Settings > Aliases) and already know what group of franchisees/sites should complete this checklist on this schedule, select alias option.

  • Select Franchisees/Sites: When you select Franchisee or Site, you then have to select all items in the Alias dropdown or pick individual franchisee/site in the list below. Please note that when you update the Aliases (via Settings > Aliases), your Schedules will not be affected.

    If you want your Schedules to automatically include new Franchisees / Sites, or remove them when aliases were updated, then you'll need to use Franchisee Alias or Site Alias in the dropdown in the earlier step, "Scheduled for". The list of selected Franchisees / Sites can't be amended on this page once alias schedule is selected, but you'll be able to update the items in each alias via Settings.

  • Show checklists overdue on the checklist action dashboard: If ticked the Checklist will drop into 'Overdue' on the 'To-Do List' if the Checklist is not fully completed by the Due Date. The Checklist will only disappear from overdue when:

    • The Checklist is fully completed

    • If you have defined a number of days for overdue Checklists in your Checklist Settings

  • Add for future dates only: This setting will ensure that when you add new Franchisees / Sites to the Schedule (or Alias) they will only see new Checklists and not a lot of Overdue ones (as the Start Date of the Schedule could be a long time ago).

  • Send email reminder on due day: An email will be sent to the email address stored in the Franchisee / Site details to remind them that this Checklist is Due. Please note that this is mainly useful for less recurring Checklists and not for daily Checklists.

Schedule Event Frequency (Recurrence)

  • Repeat rule: There are 3 options when creating a new Rule:

    • Daily; you can choose if the Checklist should repeat every day, but please note that this could also include Saturdays and Sundays.

    • Weekly; you can choose if the Checklist should repeat every week, and which day(s) of the week. If you wish your users to complete them on every weekday, select Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu and Fri


    • Monthly; you can choose if the Checklist should repeat every certain month, and which day of the month.

  • End recurrence: usually this is recommended to set it to 'never' unless there is an obvious reason for not to continue completing the Checklist. (e.g. seasonal checklists)

  • Start Date: It is best to set this to the first day you want the Checklist to show on the To-Do List.

  • Within Days: Only use this for Checklists that repeat on a weekly / monthly recurrence. This setting pushed the Due Date of a Checklist out by 'x' number of days. For example, your Checklist is scheduled to repeat every week on a Monday. If you apply 4 'Within Days', every Checklist will appear on Monday, but will not be Due until Friday that week (start day + 4 extra days to complete). Therefore it's best to keep it 0 for the daily checklists.

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