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Add User Wizard
Updated over a week ago

We've introduced this Wizard in March 2024, and its intention is to make the process of adding Franchisees (EG Centres / Services / Centers) and related Sites (EG Rooms) and Users in an easier way.

To add a new Franchisee via the Wizard, click the green '+ Add User Wizard' button.

Step 1 - Details

This step requires you to set the basic details such as first + last name, email address and the password for this new User.

Step 2 - Custom Fields

If required you can complete (some of) the Custom Fields, and also set the 'Person Type' at the bottom of this page.

Please note: this step only shows when you have access to the People Manager module.

Step 3 - Profile

You can either select an existing Profile from the dropdown list, or if there's no suitable option in the dropdown you can choose to add a new Profile. All Profile Permissions will show after you give access to a module.

Step 4 - Site Access

In step 4 you determine which Site(s) the new User should get access to. You can do this by either selecting individual Sites or Site Aliases.

Step 5 - Franchisee / Site Group Contacts

Here you can assign the new User to different Group Contacts (roles) for the existing Franchisees and Sites.

Please note: after completing step 5 the User will be created.

Step 6 - Tickets / Incidents

This step is mainly a reminder to add your new User into existing Ticket / Incident Categories if applicable.

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