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Relegation 101
Updated over 3 months ago

What is relegation?

Relegation occurs when a partner is removed from a league due to inadequate performance, a series of losses, reliability issues, or a decline in skill relative to other partners.

When can you be relegated?

You can be relegated at any time.

What are league standards?

If you are consistently experiencing losses, being significantly outperformed by others, frequently appearing at the bottom of the leaderboard, unreliable - you may be subject to relegation at any time.

Will I be warned?

It is possible to be relegated without warning, however:

  • If you're in the bottom 3 of a league you'll receive a message every Monday at 9 AM EST.

  • If you have lost 5 consecutive games, you will be warned.

How can I avoid relegation?

Ensure that you are performing at your highest capability. Engage in regular practice and compete at an elevated level. Maintain the highest standards of competitive integrity by striving to win until the conclusion of the in-game time.

How will I know if I am relegated?

You will receive a notification in the app from our Partner Support confirming your relegation, the leagues affected, and, if applicable, the termination of your partnership.

Can I come back after being relegated?

  • After 3 months you can re-apply for the league by opening a ticket โ ๐Ÿ†˜get-help-here and letting us know you'd like to play exhibitions.

    • Keep in mind we do have a massive waitlist and will most likely prioritize new partners instead.

  • If you were only in 1 league, you will need to reapply as a partner.

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