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Explore vessel motion data
Updated over 11 months ago


The motion exploration module enables the users to do a comprehensive dive into the vessel motion data sets. The data visualised is a combination of predicted and measured vessel motions. To learn more about how ODST calculates the predicted vessel motions, please visit the Vessel motion prediction explained article.

"The main purpose of the motion exploration module is to assess the performance of the prediction module and to simulate future vessel response for various vessel headings and RAOs (loading conditions)"

The motion exploration module is accessed by clicking the "Motions" tab in the top menu.

Understanding the plots

The motion exploration module offers one plot for each degree of freedom and various response types (e.g. motion, velocity, accelerations). On each plot, you will find three motion time series:

  • Forecast - This is the predicted vessel motion for the user defined vessel heading, RAO and statistical parameter. The length of the prediction equals the length of the weather forecast.

  • Measured* - This is the actual measured response of the vessel. The measured response is presented as a statistical parameter configurable by the user

  • Hindcast* - This is the hindcast vessel motion based on the latest predicted vessel motions and measured vessel heading. The hindcast response is presented as a statistical parameter configurable by the user

*Conditions integration with MRU and gyro compass

Tuning the vessel motion parameters

Click on "Parameters" to open the parameter configuration drawer. Within the drawer, you can change vessel heading , RAO and statistical parameters for the predicted motion response. Plots will be updated immediately.

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