When you complete your profile, you provide accurate details of yourself and your bank or mobile money accounts to Bitnob. This helps us contact you with any information and pay you when you initiate a withdrawal.
To complete your profile on the Bitnob app, follow the steps below:
Tap "Actions" at the bottom of the app's homepage
Tap "Settings"
Tap "My Profile" under General to edit your Name
Tap "Edit Information"
You will see the information you can edit at the moment.
Tap "Save changes" to save the edits
To add your Bank Account and Mobile Money Account, follow the steps below:
Tap "Actions" at the bottom of the app's homepage
Tap "Settings"
Tap "Withdrawal Destinations" under Payments
Tap "Add new destination"
Select "Withdrawal Currency"
Choose the account type out suitable for you - Bank Transfer or Mobile Money
Add your bank account or mobile money account details
Tap "Save"
You have successfully added an account