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Company Details

Adding in your key business data

Updated over a week ago

During your sign up, you created your first depot and some initial company information. To make the most of OnRent, you may need to add in extra details regarding your company such as your accounting information and your working hours.

Get Started

Head over to System Setup > Company Details to begin.

Within the Company Details section you can update:

  • Registered company address

  • Company bank details

  • Company logo

  • Add additional depots

  • Default units of measurement

  • Store Documents and Notes against your company

Editing your Company Details

Click 'Edit Company' to get started.


Here you can simply rename your company, Code and Description along with the contact details and address.

Note: you can change these as many times as you want to – the Company Name will appear on documents like the invoice etc, but the Code and Description are for your own reference.


In the Accounting tab you can change your bank account details which appear on invoices you raise.


In the Defaults tab you can set the standard units or values across the system and can be particularly useful if you find yourself changing these on products or orders on a regular basis.

  • Default Distance/Weight/Length Unit

    These units control the standard measurements set against products.

  • Default Country

    If you are enrolled on the Pro Plus package then you can manage a list of Countries you work with (in System Setup > Countries) and set the country you’re based in, using this option. This will mean all orders will be based in that country by default.

  • Currency Table

    Currently this is not used for anything but will be part of future updates we have planned.

  • Default General Ledger Template

    Which GL Template to use as standard when creating new products. These are very useful for controlling which revenue groups are used for each product, for more information please see: General Ledger Templates

  • Default Rental Period Type

    When creating a Quote which is not set to Use Dates, then the default duration will be however long you specify in here and the Default Rental Period. Currently you can choose between Day, Week or Month. For example, you could make orders last 2 weeks or 30 days as default if dates are not used.

  • Default Rental Period

    As above, although here you should enter a number to work with the period type, e.g. 2 Weeks or 2 Days or 2 Months etc.

  • Default Rate Definition

    If a Rate Definition hasn’t been specified at the product level then this will be used on orders. You can choose from any rate definitions you create yourself as well, for more information how to do this please see: Understanding Rental Charging

Additional Information

In the Additional Info tab you can choose the normal working patterns of your users (for your own reference), define when the weekend begins and ends (for weekend charging) or choose whether to enforce stock availability.

  • Weekend Dates/Times

    You choose how your company classes the weekend when charging on orders.

  • Enforce Stock Availability

    Enabling this will stop you from adding items onto orders if there is no stock available, which is helpful for ensuring orders are fulfilled with the correct stock.

    • Note: If this is set to No then you will be able to add out of stock items onto orders although you will see a warning about the shortage.

  • Default Order Items to Today

    This option is important in order to determine your rental workflow for the company. Enabled by default, this option will ensure any items added to orders (rental items / sales items etc) will have their dates defaulted to todays date. For example, if you created an order with the Charge From and Delivery Date on the 7th of January and added an item to it on the 9th of January, even though the order header dates are earlier, the new item will be added from today onwards. This in turn will affect the "availability from" date of the item. This is especially handy if you add additional items to a currently open rental order after it's been created.

    • Note: If this is set to No then any items added to an order will default to the dates on the order header - the main dates on the order edit page. For example, if todays date is the 9th of January, and the order header dates (charge from & delivery date) start on the 15th of March, the dates for the order items will begin on the 15th of March. This is useful if you have a fixed event date.

  • Default Open Ended

    There are a series of flags that determine whether the various orders in OnRent are Open Ended or not.

    An Open Ended rental order for example means that the end date is not known, and therefore the items are out until they are booked back in.

    If Open Ended is turned off, then the dates are used to calculate availability, after this date the items are assumed available for the next customer and no stock availability checking will take place.

These options are available on a Company level to change the behaviour of the way OnRent works as a default and to save your users having to click the switch on each order they create.

Any Questions?

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