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How to Create a Product

What is a Product and How to Create Products

Updated over a week ago

What is a Product? 

Products are the collection of items that you rent and sell to your customers. Your product is the folder that holds the stock.  You can have bulk, serialised or non stock products and you can also specify whether the product is rental, sale or both. 

Products can be a mixture of rental and sale stock items. Stock items are the physical number of stock that you have either serialised or bulk.  

Get Started

Adding new products

Go to your Navigation Bar > Products and Services > Products > To add, remove, and edit products

To add a new product, click 'Add Product' and it will take you to the add screen

You then need to add in the following details: 

  • Product Name - The name of your product

  • Product Code - The unique code to apply to your product 

  • Product Group (The Product Group the Product belongs to) e.g. '1.5 Tonne Digger' Product belongs in the 'Digger' Product Group

  • Product Description - add in any further information regarding the Product

  • Active - Is the product active? Select Yes or No

  • Accessory Only - If this option is selected the Product can only be rented as an accessory 

  • Discountable -  Is the product discountable on an order? Yes or No

  • No Suspensions - Is this Product able to be Suspended?

Product Contains - Does this Product Contain:

  • Rental Stock items

  • Sale Stock items

  • Both Rental and Sale Stock items

Stock Type - Does this Product Contain:

  • Bulk

  • Serialised 

  • Non Stock

  • Off Rent Status - This will be the status that automatically gets assigned to the Stock items in this Product at Off Rent e.g. Damaged, Lost etc. 

  • Supplier Account - You can assign the Supplier of this Product for reference here, you simply type in your supplier and it will search the application and assign it. 

  • Minimum Stock Level & Maximum Stock Level - These fields are used for your reference and your employees reference to check what the minimum values should be in your depot. This is helpful for Bulk quantities and Asset management.  

  • Rate Definition - Select the Rate Definition that could be associated to the Product e.g. Daily Rate, Weekly Rate

  • Tax Class - Categories or classifications that you set against your products and accounts.

  • General Ledger Template - General ledger template is a method to track financial records, you may have specific Product General Ledger Templates for more information on General Ledgers Click Here

  • Replacement Charge, Buy Price, Selling Price & Insurable Value are free type information fields 

  • Surcharges - You can assign Surcharges that you can apply to an order e.g. Cleaning Charge for a Digger

When you've finished, hit the Green Add Product button.

Import Products

You can also import your products in System Setup > Utilities > Import Data 

🎉 Quick Tip: The default on the import is for Product Stock Type is Bulk, if you want to import Products make sure you specify, Bulk, Serialised or Non Stock

Edit & Delete Products

To edit Products, head to Navigation Bar > Products and Services > Products, find the product that you’d like to edit in the list and click on the it to see the product overview screen, you can click the pencil to make any changes. 

You can also delete a product too. You need to ensure these groups are empty of any stock items. You can only delete them when there are no stock items in them or if they haven't been associated to an order or invoice. 

To delete the product click the bin icon and it will pop up a menu to ensure you are happy to delete this product, simply say yes if you are! 

Your next step now will be to add Stock items, please see our How to Create Stock item guide

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