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Add products

Learn how to add your inventory of products to OnRent. Part 2 of our Quick Start collection.

Updated over 7 months ago

Now you've erased your demo data and added company information, you can get started on adding your inventory into OnRent.

Add a product

Head to products and click Add Product to begin.

You'll see the 'Add product' screen.

Key details

  • Name
    The name of the product. This will appear throughout the system: on paperwork, on reports, and in the main products list.

  • Code
    This is the unique code that applies to the product. '3TE' would be a typical code for a '3T Excavator' product for example.

  • Product Group
    The product group the product belongs to. A '3T Excavator' product belongs in the 'Excavators' product group for example. Click the blue 'Product Group' text here to create a new group.

  • Allowed Stock Type
    Do you rent or sell this product?

  • Stock Method

    What type of stock do you hold for this product?

    • Bulk

      For simple stock tracking, choose bulk. You can enter a bulk stock level and OnRent will keep track of how many you have available. For example, you have 100 x Cutting Discs.

    • Serialised

      For more advanced item tracking, choose serialised. You can add a list of assets that you rent or sell to the system and OnRent will keep track of how many you have available. For example, you have 5 x 3T Excavators with unique stock item codes.

    • Non Stock

      For no stock tracking whatsoever, choose non stock. You don’t need to add a stock level and OnRent doesn’t do any stock tracking. Perfect for consumable items, packages or service charges, such as delivery or collection.

For a full list of criteria when creating a product, check out our guide: How to Create a Product

Want to upload your products via a spreadsheet?

For larger product inventories, you might want to import products using a spreadsheet.

If you do feel this would be a more appropriate option for you, check out our guide: Importing and Exporting Data

Next Steps

Now that you have your product headings added, you can start adding in stock items, which are the specific item quantities you hold for each product. Click the link below to get started.

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