You've added products and now you can add stock items! Stock items are your physical assets and this could be the quantity of your bulk stock or individually serialised equipment.
Add a stock item
Head to a product page and click Add Stock Item to begin.
You'll see the 'Add Stock Item' screen.
Key details
Item Number
The unique item number that is used to identify this equipment. This could be a specific plant number, a vehicle registration or the name you've given the equipment.
Stock Type
Is this a rental or sale item?
Off Rent Status
Does this item need checking over or servicing after it is off-hired? Change this to Service and we will make this product unavailable after every rental. Learn more about unavailable items: What are Unavailable Items?
Effective Date
This is the date from which your products will be available to rent or sell from within your system.
Opening Balance
Only for bulk stock items. This is the quantity of bulk stock you hold, 100 x Cutting Discs for example.
For an in-depth look at creating a stock item, check out our guide: How to Create a Stock Item
Want to upload your stock items via a spreadsheet?
For larger inventories, you might want to import stock items using a spreadsheet.
If you do feel this would be a more appropriate option for you, check out our guide: Importing and Exporting Data
Next Steps
Now you've got the hang of products and stock items, you might want to take a look at linking products together with accessories. Click the link below to learn more!