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How to Allocate User Levels and Roles to your Staff (for Approved Training Centres & Providers (ATC/P))
How to Allocate User Levels and Roles to your Staff (for Approved Training Centres & Providers (ATC/P))
RLSS UK avatar
Written by RLSS UK
Updated over a week ago

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RLSS UK Account User Interface v4.1 Instructions (2020)

Step 2
Go to your name at the top right of your browser and click on your "Organisation".

If you believe you are an “ATCC” of a company and it does not appear, here please contact us at

Step 3
Select "Our People" and then select "Staff".

Step 4
Click on the arrow next to "Admin" and select "Add Person", enter the individual’s details and click "Next".

The system may ask for more information.
Please note the information must match what we hold on the database. 

When you click "Create Person" the system will create a "Ghost Account" until that individual accepts.

Step 5
You will now be asked to assign Roles to that individual, once completed you can save and add another or save and close.

The different level of Roles can be found below.

The individual you have added will now appear on the our people tab and from this screen, you will be able to change the roles or remove them from your organisation.

The Roles

・ATC Co-Ordinator (All the below and the ability to assign roles.)

・Global Course Organiser (Able to run courses across all linked ATC’s)

・Global Trainer (Can access all the ongoing training) 

・Course Organiser (Able to run courses against the site that they have been named against)

・Finance Department (Able to gain access to the finance elements of the system for example payment details, paying membership of those linked to your venue etc…)

・Trainer (Having this role allows the person with it to run Ongoing Training & Competency sessions)

・Internal Verifier (No functionality)

・Staff (No functionality)

Full details on roles including their permissions please see the document linked below. Please note that global permissions can only be given from the ATC Mother site.

RLSS UK Account User Interface v4.2 Instructions (2024)

1. Login to your RLSS UK Account and navigate to the Approved Training Centre or Providers (ATC or ATP).

2. Click "Our People".

3. Click the blue "Toggle Dropdown" icon.

4. Click "Edit Roles".

5. Click the role/s to be added.

6. Click "Save & Close".

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