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Using SaveDay
SaveDay Telegram Bot Features
SaveDay Telegram Bot Features

SaveDay Bot, features

Updated over a week ago

Introducing SaveDay bot's features

  • SaveDay Bot offers a variety of functions to enhance your knowledge management experience. You can save, search, get key points, set reminders, manage your content, and even ask questions based on your saved items

  • Get started with the SaveDay bot at this link

How to start

  • To start using the SaveDay bot, once you have accessed our SaveDay Bot, simply tab the Start button and you can begin using it right away!

  • Right after tabbing the start button, you'll receive the SaveDay onboarding message and a video guide on how to use the features. To explore more fantastic features, tab the button Quick Guide!

How to save

You can Save with our Bot using two simple options:

  1. When you come across interesting information that you'd like to save, tab on the Share option and choose to share it with the SaveDay bot.

  2. When you copy and paste the content directly to the SaveDay bot, it will automatically store the content you've sent

How to get key points

  • You can get key points from your lengthy content, whether by using /key the following with a link using the formula: "/key + your link" or generating them from your search results

  • SaveDay Bot will automatically generate key points and related images of it. You can also save them to your SaveDay collection by tabbing Save it all โœ… and customizing themes with Change themes ๐Ÿ“ธ

How to get key points in a group

  • Ready to use the /key feature in your group? Make sure to add the SaveDay bot in advance! Just follow this easy format: /key @SaveDayBot + your link

How to search

  • Quick search your saved content by using /search then typing the keywords or hints that you remembered. Or you can use the formula: /search + your own keywords

  • Once you receive the search results, you can further enhance your experience by selecting /key to obtain concise information from your saved content

How to manage all saved contents

Connecting to SaveDay (If Not Yet Connected):

  • Type /library in your chat box or select it from the Main Menu then choose Connect with your SaveDay Library

  • The SaveDay app will open and prompt you to log in so that you can manage your saved items - search, delete, and create your own collections

Accessing Your SaveDay Library (If Already Connected)

  • Type /library in your chat box or select it from the Main Menu then choose the SaveDay library option. Now: The SaveDay app opens, allowing you to search, delete, and create collections of your saved items

How to ask from saved content

To ask a question based on your saved content, follow these simple steps:

  1. Simply type /ask followed by your question. You'll receive an answer along with a View source button if you wish to see where the information came from

  2. For a more interactive experience, you can choose the Open app option to explore our Q&A feature further

How to add a reminder

To add reminders for your saved content with your SaveDay bot, you can:

  • Share the link or content you want to save with the SaveDay bot in your Telegram chat. After saving the content, SaveDay Bot will send Remind me the option

  • Choose the Remind me option, and you'll be presented with three reminder choices: 6 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours. Select the desired reminder time, and SaveDay Bot will set the reminder for that saved item

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