Telegram Bot FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Telegram bot

Updated over a week ago

Telegram Bot: Save

Is there a limit to the number of links I can save using SaveDay Bot?

There is no limit to the number of links you can save with SaveDay Bot. You can save as many links as you desire, and they will be readily available for you to access whenever you need. To view all your saved content in one location, you can use the "/collection" command

What file formats are supported by the SaveDay Bot?

Currently, SaveDay Bot works best with links and images. In the future, we will support more formats such as audio files and video files

How do I deal with a "Save failed" message when attempting to save content with SaveDay Bot?

If you encounter a "Save failed" message while using the SaveDay Bot, it may be due to limitations on the source website. In such cases, you can consider trying different content or exploring alternative sources

Is it possible to save videos from platforms such as TikTok or Facebook Watch, or is this feature limited to YouTube with SaveDay Bot?

Absolutely! SaveDay Bot allows you to save videos from various sources, not limited to YouTube. Simply send the link to SaveDay Bot, and it will save the video for you

Telegram Bot: Search

Can I search for content across different file formats using SaveDay's search feature with SaveDay Bot?

Yes, you can effectively search for content across various file formats using SaveDay's search feature

Telegram Bot: Get key points

Does the "/key" command automatically save an article or video even though I haven't saved it before with SaveDay Bot?

No, your link cannot be automatically saved. However, you can click the "Save it all" button to save the generated key points and the original link.

Can I get key points from private posts on Facebook using SaveDay Bot?

SaveDay Bot exclusively supports public posts. Unfortunately, it cannot access content within private posts or private groups, except for content that is displayed publicly. Please try with another public post

Why are keynotes' language different from the original content with SaveDay Bot?

SaveDay Bot is aware that content is being generated in the wrong language. Fixing this is our top priority. Stay updated by joining our community at SaveDay Community

Why is the image generated missing key points with SaveDay Bot?

While SaveDay follows the Zettelkasten method and ensures that the permanent note is always available, the size constraints of images may result in the lack of certain supporting ideas. We're working tirelessly to improve this feature. To stay informed about updates, please join our community at SaveDay Community

Telegram Bot: Manage collection

Can I alter or edit the description of saved images with SaveDay Bot?

You can edit the description of a saved image in two ways:
1. After you send the image to SaveDay Bot will suggest you "Edit description", and you can make your changes
2. Use the command "/collection" to view your saved items. Open the link and navigate to the "image" section. Choose the image you want to edit and make your changes

When I click on the collection link, it takes me to a page with nothing. What can I do with SaveDay Bot?

To access your saved content, use the command "/collection" within one hour of receiving the link for data security. Repeat the command if you need to view your saved items again. This will help you manage your content effectively

Telegram Bot: Add reminder

Can I edit the reminder time as I want with SaveDay Bot?

Currently, SaveDay Bot offers preset reminder options for user convenience, including 6 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours. However, we're actively exploring ways to provide more flexibility in setting custom reminder times. Keep an eye out for future updates that may offer greater control over reminder customization

After I choose the reminder time, can I choose it again with SaveDay Bot?

As of now, SaveDay Bot doesn't support editing an existing reminder time. However, we're continuously working on improvements to make your experience more user-friendly. In the future, we aim to introduce the ability to modify reminder times for added convenience

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