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Schedule Upload Tutorial
Updated over a week ago

You must have "Full Access" or "Limited Access - Website" permissions to upload a schedule.

NOTE: The steps below are for Sport Management organizations. If using Season Management, click here.

This article will guide you through uploading a successful schedule.


The "Schedule Upload" allows you to mass import events into your website.

NOTE: At this time, we do not provide game schedule functionality for the following sports:

  • Tennis

  • Golf

  • Cycling

  • Track & Field

  • Wrestling

If you create a team page and choose one of the above-referenced sports, you must add your games as a "Standard Event."

Add Team/Division ID

NOTE: You must create your Teams before you set up your Team/Division IDs.

When using the schedule upload tool, the "Team/Division ID" will match each team in your spreadsheet with a team on your website. If an event has a team_id that does not match a Team/Division ID, the event will not be uploaded.

  1. Sign in and click on the HQ Home icon at the top of your screen.

  2. Click the Competition > Schedule Upload from the left navigation menu.

  3. Under the Schedule Upload header, choose the Team/Division ID sub-tab.

  4. Use the "Filter" to find the League or Club that your Teams live under.

  5. Choose your Season and Subseason.

  6. On the right-hand side, under the Team/Division IDs column, either input your unique alphanumeric code for each team or choose Click to use default ID (preferred method).

    • If you use a third-party scheduling tool, use the team and division names from the scheduling tool as Team/Division IDs.

  7. After adding your codes, click Save Team/Division IDS.

Formatting Your Schedule

If you use MaxSolutions or Schedulewerks (Puck Systems) to build your schedule, you can skip this step and select the MaxSolutions or Schedulewerks (Puck Systems) file format to upload your schedule.

  1. Open your Schedule Upload Template and input your game and event information.

  2. Add each game and event to the spreadsheet as a separate row, ensuring you completed all the required fields for each event.

    • NOTE: See this article here for a schedule upload field guide.

  3. Save the file on your computer as a CSV file.

Creating an Event or Game

Let's learn more about standard events vs. games:

  • Standard Event: These include events such as practices, board meetings, tryouts, etc.

  • Game: A game for a certain team.

Creating a Standard Event

The fields listed below with a (*) will signify the required fields when creating a standard event.

  • Start_Date*

  • Start_Time*

  • End_Date*

  • End_Time*

  • Title*

  • Description

  • Location

  • Location_URL,

  • All_Day_Event: If you wish to designate the event as All Day, enter a value of "1")

  • Event_Type: This field is ignored and can be left blank when adding a standard event.

  • Tags: At least one value within this field must be mapped to a Team/Division ID found on the Schedule Upload page. To tag the event to multiple pages, separate each id with a pipe/vertical bar, "|." (i.e., 1023|1030|1232|21412).

    • NOTE: Keep all columns after Tags on the template. If you are not filling them in, you can keep them blank—these need to remain in the template to upload events successfully.

Creating a Game

Creating games will add them to the team's calendar page and display games within the "Game Schedule" for the game's teams. If creating a part of a League, you must have a valid Home and Away team. If you are creating a game where the opposing team is not within your website's hierarchy, you can type in a name for the opposing team—the fields listed below with a (*) will signify what fields are required when creating a game.

  • Start_Date*

  • Start_Time*

  • End_Date*

  • End_Time*

  • Title: The title of the Game will automatically be built based on the home and away team (i.e., Away Team Name at Home Team Name)

  • Location

  • Location_URL: A valid URL; please be sure to include http:// or https://.

  • All_Day_Event: This field will be ignored. A game always has a start time and cannot be all day long.

  • Event_Type*: This field must have a value of "Game" for a Game event to be created.

  • Tags: Optional; add additional tags to the Game event. (i.e., if you want to designate a referee schedule, you could tag the event to a referee page. To tag multiple pages, you must use the pipe/vertical bar character (i.e., "|") to separate each id. (i.e., 1023|1030|1232|21412). By default, Team1_ID and Team2_ID will be tagged to the Game event.

  • Team1_ID*

  • Team1_Division_ID: Use this if you would like to create TBD teams (The team field must be blank).

  • Team1_Is_Home*: By default, if a value is not provided, it will be marked as a home game. Valid values are 1 for Home games and 0 for Away games.

  • Team2_ID*: Team IDs are Found in the Team ID Section. It is required when Team1_ID is underneath a league. You must provide a Team2_ID, an actual team page within the same league. It is not required if Team1_ID is not underneath a league.

  • Team2_Division_ID: Use this if you would like to create TBD teams (The team field must be blank).

  • Team2_Name*: Team IDs are Found in the Team ID Section. It is required if a Team2_ID is not provided.

  • Custom_Opponent: If scheduling opponents outside your League, this column must denote a team's status as a custom opponent. Valid values are 1 for custom opponents and 0 for non-custom.

  • Game_ID: Up to 12 characters.

  • Affects_Standings: If a value is not provided, it will be marked as affects standings. Valid values are 1 for affects standings, and 0 for does not affect standings.

  • Points_Win: Standing's point override for a win on a single game.

  • Points_Loss: Standing's point override for a loss on a single game.

  • Points_Tie: Standing's point override for a tie on a single game.

  • Points_OT_Win: Standing's point overrides for an OT win on a single game.

  • Points_OT_Loss: Standing's point override for an OT loss in a single game.

  • Division_Override: Force a game to count for both teams for standings even when they aren’t in the same division.

Upload Your Schedule

Once you have completed the format for your games or events on your schedule, you will upload it to your website.

  1. Click on the Schedule Upload sub-tab within your Schedule Upload tab.

  2. Under Schedule Import File, click Choose File.

  3. Find, select, and open the formatted file saved to your computer.

  4. Make sure you select the correct Schedule Format from the drop-down box.

  5. If this isn't your first upload for this season and you want to replace the old data you have added, check the box next to Replace all previously upload events.

    • NOTE: This replaces all uploaded events via Schedule Upload in the past unless Ignore games prior to today's date are selected.

    • All "In Progress" or "Final/Completed" games will be duplicated if your next upload contains the same game information. To avoid this, click the next option to Ignore games prior to today's date. Please be sure to check this box to avoid the duplicate game issue for those games that have already been completed.

  6. Click Upload and Process File.

    • Depending on your file size, the upload process could take a few minutes. Please DO NOT close your browser or exit this window during this process.

NOTE: The schedule upload tool will only overwrite previous events added via the tool. If you added events manually to a calendar or through an Event Aggregator, etc., those events would be unaffected.

Export Games and Events

The Schedule Upload tool also provides the ability to update existing events and games that were previously uploaded.

There are two ways that you can export your imported schedule data to edit:

  • Export the schedule by date range

  • Export the entire CSV schedule

How to Export By Date Range

  1. On the Schedule Upload tab under Competition within SportsEngine HQ, scroll down until you see the subheading of Export Schedule.

  2. Choose a date range to export your previously imported events.

  3. This will export a CSV file in the Schedule Upload format, including values in the "Event_ID" column.

  4. Once the file has been exported, open the file and make edits to the desired events.

  5. Save the file and go back to the Schedule Upload page to upload your file.

    • NOTE: If an update needs to be made to a Game that is "In-Progress" or "Complete," it must be done by editing the individual event.

How to Export Entire Schedule

  1. On the Schedule Upload tab under Competition within SportsEngine HQ, scroll down until you see the subheading of Recent Upload Results.

  2. On the far-right, under the Results column, click Results for the schedule you want to update.

  3. On the right-side corner of the new screen, click on the option to Export as CSV.

  4. Once the file has been exported, open the file and make edits to the desired events.

  5. Save the file and go back to the Schedule Upload page to upload your file.

    • NOTE: If an update needs to be made to a Game that is "In-Progress" or "Complete," it must be done by editing the individual event.

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