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Explorer and Diagram Navigation
Explorer and Diagram Navigation

How to navigate the SqlDBM Explorer item menu

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Written by SqlDBM Support
Updated this week

When you open a SqlDBM diagram, you can see a sidebar on the left side of the screen. We call this the Explorer panel.

Here you can see the objects that make up your database and team comments relating to them. There are four items:

• Diagrams

• Diagram explorer

• Database explorer

• Team Comments


On this item, you can see a list of diagrams and classify them into folders called "subject areas."

Since databases can grow in size and complexity, it may help create diagrams for specific areas instead of one overall landscape. You can create subject areas based on business areas, data marts, or whatever makes sense for your organization.

Interact with common features, such as:

• Switching between diagrams by clicking on them in the Diagram lever on the left

• Switching between diagrams by clicking on Diagram tabs on the top of the canvas

• Creating diagrams (please note: must have a modeler role to perform this action)

Create New Diagrams

(please note: must have a modeler role to perform the following actions)

There are several ways to create a new diagram

1. Use the "Plus" icon on the right side of the subject area bar.

2. Choose objects, hold the "Ctrl (Cmd)" key, and click the "Plus" icon. That is the easiest way to add a new diagram with the chosen objects.

3. Use a context menu by diagram or subject area item in the Explorer panel.

4. Use the bottom bar of the Explorer panel.

Diagram explorer

On the diagram explorer item, you can see objects that the current diagram contains, such as tables, relationships, notes, and views.

The table object tree displays all the tables in the database, although some might be hidden from the current diagram. To add tables to a diagram, click on the "Bring to diagram" icon.

This icon appears after hovering on the desired item.

Use the context menu to create a new table, bring related tables, show or hide tables from the canvas, or delete a table.

The same features are displayed on the right side of the bottom bar.

Use the "Show schema name" icon on the left side of the bottom bar to hide or show schema name.

You can also filter your database objects by the currently selected diagram or subject area.

• By subject area. Only objects from the chosen subject area are shown in the explorer

• By diagram. Only objects, that are displayed on current diagram are shown in explorer.

Database explorer

Database explorer level includes all database objects from your project, including ones that can't be shown on the canvas (e.g., file formats or check constraints). You can view and edit them all from here.

These might be:

• schemas

• tables, including their columns, indexes, and constraints

• references

• virtual references

• views

To display object properties, click on the relevant item.

Use context menu to create a new object or remove current one. The same icons are also present on the bottom bar.


You can easily search for all database objects (like tables, references, columns, indexes) by name in Diagram Explorer and Database Explorer panels.

Locate on diagram

Which diagram has the table I'm looking for? Diagram Explorer and Database Explorer panels provide a "Locate on diagram" feature to help you jump directly to any diagram of interest. Combined with the "Search" feature mentioned above, locating and navigating to a desired project object has never been easier.

Hide and show the Explorer panel

Use the icon near the explorer name to hide the panel. To display it, click on the icon in the left sidebar.

Team Communication

This feature may not be available by default and might need to be enabled upon request. Please contact your account manager for more information.

Team communication allows users to communicate with other team members directly through the tool. Comments can be linked to specific objects and are searchable and actionable through the functions provided by SqlDBM.

See also:



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