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Team Communication

How to use team communication features in SqlDBM

SqlDBM Support avatar
Written by SqlDBM Support
Updated over a week ago

Note, this is an Enterprise feature.

Team communication allows enterprise users to communicate with other team members directly through the tool. Comments can be linked to specific objects and are searchable and actionable through the functions provided by SqlDBM.

See below for details on the following features:

º Create comments

º Tag team members

º Review and dismiss comments

º Edit comments

º Search and filter

Comments on the diagram

Users can leave indications or post doubts directly on the tables and views in a diagram.

Leave a comment

You can add a comment in one of two ways:

1. Right-click on any table or view and select the "Add Comment" option

2. From the Team Comments section on the left pane, select "Add Comment" and then click on the table or view in the diagram.

Now, enter and post your comment.

Note the revision number next to the comment to help contextualize the remark.

Reply, dismiss, and edit

To review comments directly on the diagram, click on the speech bubble icon next to any view or table.

From here, you can

º resolve the comment (and all replies) by pressing the green checkmark

º edit the original comment (if made by you)

º delete an individual comment

º delete all comments (same as resolve)

Search and filter

Click on the speech bubble icon on the left pane to access the Team Comments screen.

From here you will see a list of all comments made on the current diagram.

Search for any term in the search box below.

Clicking on any comment on the left column will take you directly to the related table or view and display the comment details.

Use filter to show:

º Only new comments

º Only mentions

º Comments from all diagrams

Tagging and email notifications

You can tag individual team members by using the "@" symbol when writing a comment. Users who have been tagged will receive an email notification with the comment details.

Type the "@" sign to display a list of users added to the project to tag them.

You may turn email notifications off by clicking on the "Envelope" icon, placed on the bottom of comment list panel.

See also:

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