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I can't change my password

What should I do if I can't change my password?

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Error when entering a code from Google Authenticator.

  1. Check the time on your device: Make sure the time on your device where you enter the code is synchronized with the current time in your time zone on both devices. A time mismatch can cause authentication issues as it is used in the code generation process. Please note, if you have 2 different time zones set on your device, it is worth trying to get them to the same value, as this can also cause problems with the authenticator working. You can read more detailed instructions on how to synchronize the time on your device in the article.

  2. Check your internet connection: Make sure you have a stable internet connection. Internet problems can cause the authentication code to be sent or received incorrectly. If there is an option to change the network source for one or all devices, be sure to try doing so. Often the error is caused by problems on the ISP side, especially when using a mobile network.

  3. Update your authentication app: Check for available updates for the app you use for two-factor authentication. Installing the latest version may help resolve issues related to authentication performance.

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