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Deposit of funds through the cashier's office
Deposit of funds through the cashier's office

Instructions on how to deposit cash to a crypto exchange through the cashier's office:

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  1. Go to the Assets section of the crypto exchange platform.

  2. Click on the "Deposit" button.

  3. Select the currency you want to replenish and select the cash desk through which the cash will be accepted.

  4. Specify the amount of the deposit and fill in the details of the person who will transfer the cash to the cash desk.

  5. Click on the "Deposit" button.

  6. Double-check all entered data in the opened window.

  7. Click on the "Confirm" button.

  8. After performing these actions, a deposit with the specified Txid number will appear in the "Transaction History" section. Be sure to save this number to call it when transferring funds to the cash desk.

  9. When the status of the deposit in the "Transaction History" section changes to "Processing", come to the specified destination at the specified time with the document and funds.

  10. After depositing the funds in the cash desk, they will appear in your personal cabinet in the "Assets" section.

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