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Account creation

How to register on our website

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To create an account, you should click on the "Register" button.

  1. On the page that opens, enter your e-mail address (of any domain except @rambler.ru) in the appropriate field.

  2. Make up a strong password or use a password generator. Make sure that the password contains at least 8 characters, includes at least one upper and one lowercase letter and at least one special character (e.g. !, @, #, $, %). And enter it in the appropriate field. [screenshot of password and mail entered in the fields].

  3. Next, read the terms and conditions, privacy policy and confirm that you agree with them. Also, study the list of countries where there are legal risks associated with cryptocurrency and confirm that you are aware of them and are not in one of them.

  4. Click "Register" or "Create Account" to complete your registration. [screenshot with information filled out and button highlighted].

  5. You will be sent an email to the email address you provided with a link to confirm your registration.

  6. Go to your email and find the email from the service. Open the email and click on the link to confirm your registration.

Go back to the service page and enter your email address and password to log into your account.

Congratulations, you have successfully registered!

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