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Contradictions to Testing
Chelsea J avatar
Written by Chelsea J
Updated over a week ago

Testing must NOT be undertaken in the following scenarios:

  • applicant symptomatic (chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath)

  • recent injury or significant surgery (within 6 weeks) to the extent it prevents a safe test

  • If cardiovascular baseline data is above the Medical Clearance cut off (HR ≥ 100bpm; SBP ≥160mmHg and DBP ≥100mmHg - see page 16 for more details)

  • a positive response to PAR-Q questions 1-4 or 12-14 (outlined below)

  • pregnancy (see details below)

If contraindications indicated – DO NOT PERFORM

  • Cardiovascular Fitness Step Test

  • Functional Lifting and Carrying Testing

  • Job Specific Testing (if required per the client requirement)

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

Special Circumstances - Pregnancy 

Functional testing is to be deferred until post-partum recovery is achieved for any of the indicators below.

  • If 20 weeks gestation or greater - No lifting and carrying greater than 23kg

  • If 24 weeks gestation or greater - No lifting and carrying greater than 11kg

  • If 28 weeks or greater - No stooping or bending, or climbing ladders

  • If 30 weeks gestation or greater – No components of functional performed

Medical Clearance is NOT required. Remainder of testing to be re-booked after post-partum recovery. This is typically 6 weeks for an uncomplicated delivery. Complicated deliveries will be longer as will some normal deliveries.

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