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Using Bulk Test Case Generation with the AI Test Case Generator for Jira
Using Bulk Test Case Generation with the AI Test Case Generator for Jira

AI Test Case Generator has a bulk capability designed to automate the creation of test cases by identifying a group of user stories.

Updated over 10 months ago

Before initiating the Bulk AI Test Case Generation process, ensure that the AI Test Case Generator Project settings have been properly configured. To know more about 'AI Test Case Generator Project Settings, please follow the instructions provided in this link.

1. In the project sidebar, click 'Bulk AI Test Case Generator'.

2. Users can select the user stories by 'Sprint' or 'Advanced Search'. For 'Advanced Search', select any filter. Then, click the 'search' icon.

3. Select the user stories.

Users have the option to select "Delete existing test cases" to replace existing test cases with new ones, or they can select "Skip issues with existing test cases" to avoid generating test cases for user stories that already have linked test cases.

4. Click 'Generate Test Cases' and wait until the processing state is updated to 'Complete'.

5. Once the processing is finished, test cases should have been generated for the selected user stories.

Sample user story with generated test cases

6. Select the linked test case to view the details.

The test case includes summary, description, preconditions, test steps with expected results and priority.

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