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Account Transactions Screen
Updated over a week ago

The account transaction screen is where you are able to view all of a customer's charges and payments, how payments were applied, as well as enter new charges, payments, or refunds.

Transaction Tools:

To the right of each transaction, you will see an arrow, click the pull-down and you will see available functions for the transaction. The tools available vary by transaction type. We'll cover them here:

  • Apply/Unapply - These options allow you to pair or unpair a payment and charge. The option will change based on the status of the payment.

  • Refund - This option allows you to refund that specific payment.

  • Receipt - Use this option to print or email a receipt to your customer.

  • Details - The details allow you to see the transactions pair, the time and date the transaction was entered, and the user who entered it.

Viewing Deleted Transactions - This function located above the transactions grid under filter options allows you to view any charge or payment that has been deleted from the account. Once displayed, you can click details to see which user deleted the transaction and when it was done. For a complete list of Deleted Transactions go to Reports. Select Financial Reports and then Payments. Choose the bottom report titled, "Deleted Transaction."

Filtering Options:

  • The transaction gives you the ability to filter the transactions displayed by date. Meaning you can choose a date range of transactions that will appear on the screen.

    • When filtered by date you will be given the total account balance and a balance for the transactions shown. If there is an unpaid charge or credit outside of the range of transactions shown the balance may not match.

    • After choosing the dates click the Save changes.

  • You may also filter the transactions by Type. Using this option allows you to only display Charges, Credits, Payments, or Refunds.

Transaction Type:

In the type column for each transaction you will see a three letter code. The meaning for each letter is as follows:

  • First Letter

    • P - Payment

    • C - Charge

    • R - Refund

  • Second Letter

    • For Payments & Refunds

      • C - Check

      • V - Visa

      • M - Mastercard

      • X - American Express

      • D - Discover

      • O - Other

      • $ - Cash

    • For Charges

      • M - Miscellaneous

      • R - Registration

      • T - Tuition

      • C - Costume

      • L - Late Fee

  • Third Letter

    • P- transaction has been transferred, or posted, to quickbooks file.

    • N - transaction has not been transferred to quickbooks file.

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