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Custom Copy

How you can set your company's information for Pavement Assessments, Proposals and Invoice.

Written by AK Dash
Updated over 4 months ago

Copy (in marketing): written information that businesses use to inform, entertain, or entice their audience.

Personalize your AK DASH documents (pavement assessments, proposals, and invoices) with your own company's copy. Learn how here!

About the Company

This text will be used on the pages that share your company's information. There are 3 samples that you can choose and customize. You can have multiple "About Us" descriptions, and you can choose one as the Default.

Authorization Disclaimer

You can customize the default legal disclaimer in this section, or overwrite it completely with your own legal disclaimers.

Payment Terms

Choose one of the 3 preloaded samples for your payment terms, or add your own. Be sure to add any special payment terms your company has, or information about which payment methods you accept.

Proposal Terms

This text will be used on your proposals. There are 3 samples that you can choose and customize, and you can have multiple sets of "Proposal Terms". You can choose one as the Default.

Pavement Assessment Copy

This text will be used on all of your pavement assessments. There are 3 samples that you can choose and customize, or write your own.

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