Every course requires detailed course descriptions, helping learners grasp the content and objectives of the course. The procedure entails 4 essential steps to provide all the necessary information.
Step1 - Basic Information
Step1 - Basic Information
This initial step mandates the provision of three essential fields: Course Title, Course Headline, and Language of Instruction.
Course Title
Choose a title which accurately and concisely describes your course.
Keep in mind which words will increase SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).
Your course title can not be changed once it has been submitted for publishing so choose carefully.
Think of a name that someone would want to present to a potential employer on a parchment paper, if possible.
Explore the article on "How do I Create a Good Course Title?" for more details
The headline is a concise sentence that rapidly outlines the fundamental subject matter of the course. Make sure the headline concludes with a full stop (period). Your headline serves as a tagline for your course; if it's captivating, learners are more likely to enrol.
Select Course Language
This field indicates the language of your course.
Step 2 - Short description and Content Rights
Step 2 - Short description and Content Rights
In this stage, a concise summary and information on content rights are required.
Short Summary
The short description quickly describes the course and sells its value to the user.
The short description shows how the general subject matter of the course is interesting/useful for personal or professional development.
It also provides a preview of specific content/topics covered within the course.
Do not list the topics of your course in the descriptions. Create descriptive sentences instead.
Explore the article on "How do I create an engaging Short Summary?" for more details
Select Content Rights
This field indicates who owns the course content.
Explore the article on "What Content Rights do I need?" for more details
Step 3 - Long Course Description
Step 3 - Long Course Description
In this step you will be required to key in a long description of your course. It generally describes the course coverage and context. The first paragraph is meant to entice potential learners and encourage them to take the course, the second and third paragraphs should touch on the course contents to be covered and the target audience for the course.
Do not use the short summary as the first paragraph in the long summary.
The first two paragraphs describe the content of the course in detail, telling the user what they will learn.
The third paragraph sells the course, showing what is interesting and valuable about it.
The final sentence of the third paragraph should encourage the user to start the course.
Do not list the topics of your course in the descriptions. Create descriptive sentences instead.
A well written summary will help your course appear at the top of a Google search.
Explore the article on "How do I create an accurate Long Description?" for more details
Step 4 - Learning Outcomes
Step 4 - Learning Outcomes
Outline the expected learning outcomes for participants.
Each point must begin with an active verb from the approved list on the dropdown. Please ensure that you pick a verb from the list.
The verbs will be spelt in either American English, British English or Spanish spelling depending on the language picked in Step 1.
Each point should clearly and simply describe something the learner will be able to do as a direct result of successfully completing your course.
In this section only, do not use full stops (periods) after each point.
Use a combination of these verbs to avoid repetition.
Explore the article on "How do I create informative Learning Outcomes?" for more details
You can always learn more about the requirements for each field by clicking on the question mark icon next to the field name. The character limit will countdown as you write in the bottom right corner.
You can always go back to the course description and Learning outcomes by clicking on the “Edit course” icon shown below.