Typically, you'd integrate All Gravy to a workforce management system and we'd pull employee data from there.
There are some cases where you'd expect to invite someone manually:
We don't support your workforce management system yet
You want to invite someone who isn't in your workforce management system
Luckily it's easy to do.
If you have many people to invite, shoot us a message on the support chat and we can help you ingest them more quickly; so you don't have to type them all manually.
How to invite someone
Open the sidebar and click People
Here, you'll see this header. Click Add a new employee
You'll be presented with the following screen.
There are two pages
Employee Details
First, last name (mandatory)
Email (mandatory)
Address (mandatory)
Phone number (optional)
Hired date (mandatory)
Birth date (mandatory)
Organisation (mandatory)
If you have multiple organisations, this is where you'd choose. If you only have one, it should default to selected.
Departments (optional)
Departments are pulled from a workforce management system. If you want to add people to a Department (which is often mapped to a Location, which can be used for targeting) then add it here.
Roles (optional)
Roles are pulled from a workforce management system. Roles can be used for targeting.
Click Continue
Access Level
Here you can define if this employee should be added as Staff, or Admin.
Staff - can access the app, but no edit access to anything. Can only see data they're targeted to.
Staff Manager = can access the web and generally view all information.
Admin = can view and edit all data
Access level
Whole account - every organisation configured within your account
Division - every organisation within a division
Selected organisation - the organisation they're created within