
What is the flow up to trademark application ?

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対応者:Amazing DX Support Team














First of all, in the page “Trademark Search”, please enter the “Trademark / Kana” which you wish to apply for, and select the “Goods / Services” which uses the trademark.

After that, click the “SEARCH” button, and if there are no problems with the search results, click the “REQUEST APPLICATION” button and proceed to file the trademark.

<Main flow>

(1) Search for similar trademarks (the above flow)

(2) Sign up for "Amazing DX" service

(3) Payment by credit cards (Some prepaid cards such as "V-preca" can also be used.)

(4) [By our attorney staff] Confirmation of the trademark and sending of draft application documents

(5) Confirmation of draft application documents

(6) [By our attorney staff] Filing the trademark application to JPO and sending an application completion report to you

*1 After signing up / logging in “Amazing DX” service, you will be able to save the trademark search results on My Page of “Amazing DX”. In addition, you can request a trademark application by selecting a trademark from the saved search results.

*2 After requesting a trademark application to "Amazing DX", you will exchange in a chat format from Attorney's Message on My Page of “Amazing DX”.
