
I would like to know in advance if the trademark is registrable.

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対応者:Amazing DX Support Team


1. 先行商標の有無



Amazing DXでは、商標検索画面において、類似する先行商標の有無を簡単に確認することが可能です。


※Amazing DXの商標検索の結果は、絶対的なものではございません。

2. 識別力の有無


※Amazing DXでは、識別力の有無についての調査は行うことができません。



The following two factors are particularly important in considering the registrability of a trademark.

1. Existence of a prior trademark

Even if you file an application for your desired trademark, you will not be able to obtain rights if a similar trademark has already been applied for at the Japan Patent Office.

Therefore, it is important to first search if a similar trademark has already been applied.

The "trademark search" screen on our website allows you to easily check whether or not there are similar prior trademarks.

* The system only allows trademark searches for word trademarks. For trademarks that contain figures or no word (trademarks with only illustrations), it is not possible to determine whether or not there is a prior trademark for that figure or illustration.

* The results of the "trademark search" are not absolute.

2. Existence of distinctiveness

Distinctiveness is the ability of a mark to make consumers recognize that the mark is the goods or services of someone else's business. For example, if an application is filed for the mark "Apple" for the designated goods fruit apples, the mark will not be registered because "Apple" is generally recognized as referring to the fruit apple, and it is not appropriate for someone to monopolize it as a trademark.

*Amazing DX, it is not possible to conduct a search as to whether or not the mark has distinctiveness.

Only in cases where there is a clear lack of distinctiveness, our trademark attorneys will contact you after requesting application.

If you would like a detailed search for the possibility of registration (existence of prior trademarks, existence of distinctiveness), please use our Premium Service.
