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Reports in the Reports tab
Reports in the Reports tab

Our reports provide reliable insight into all aspects of your organization's operations so you can make informed, strategic decisions.

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Written by Katrina
Updated over 2 months ago

Our centralized reports offer easy access to critical financial reports and important information about your programs and participants. You can also glance at demographic and accounting statistics for each of your programs.

In the Reports > Standard subtab, you can display all the reports at once, or focus on those related to your organization’s management or finances. If you can't find what you're looking for in the Reports tab, click here to see if it's elsewhere in SmartRec. Some reports are only available upon activating a feature in the Apps tab. Admins must have the right permission to view a report.

Reports are categorized into groups. Click one and scroll to read about each report.

1. Account balances

Use these reports for information related to account receivables (balances and/or credits). Click on a report and specify up to which date you want the data.

Account statements

You can send monthly account statements in a PDF format by email to your clients through Clients > Accounts > Operations > Account statement, and this report gives a breakdown of the information that was sent. This includes the name of the client, their last statement by account (including the start and end date), the date it was issued, any balance due with its due date, and applicable late fees.

Account receivable (includes accounts with credits)

The accounts receivable report shows which clients have an existing balance or credit on their account, including how long these amounts have been sitting (30, 60, 90+ days) and any planned payments lined up.

Account receivable (balances only)

This report focuses on clients that have a balance on their account, for how long the balance has existed and if any planned payments are set up to rectify it. Includes contact information.

Accounts with credit balance

This report shows every client that has available credit (only) in their account and includes their contact information.

2. Accrual accounting

Available if your organization has selected the accrual accounting type in the Accounting and finance > Ledger codes subtab. You'll need this data to track when (and how) your revenue is recognized. Click on a report and specify up to what date you want the data.

Deferred revenue (unsupported)

This report shows your deferred revenue broken down by ledger account and tracks which account(s) it travels through, as of the report's selected date, inc. This report is no longer supported, and we recommend downloading this information from the Deferred revenue recognition report instead.

Deferred revenue recognition

Regardless of when you have been paid, your revenue is deferred and only recognized once the service has been delivered. This report ensures you’ll always know where your revenue sits from the moment a sale is invoiced and provides a complete breakdown of each individual entry item as of the report’s selected date. You can sort through the data using the Journal entry ID, the effective or invoice date, by Ledger code, by Invoice or Invoice item ID, and invoice item amount as well as confirm the Account ID, Account name and Item description.

Journal entries

The Journal entries page tracks the increase and decrease of balances in key ledger accounts every time a transaction occurs in Amilia SmartRec, giving your financial team access to view and export accurate accounting data in real-time.


This report relies on journal entries to give you a snapshot of the balance (credits minus debits) of liability ledger codes on a given date. Liability accounts are for amounts your business owes or will owe (e.g. deferred revenue, credits due, etc.). Sales tax and scholarships are not included in this report.

3. Activities

Find details on participants who have registered to your activities, get a bird's eye view of how each activity is configured and the number of registrations in each of your programs. Click on a report to download data from the program you choose.

Activity Occurrence Details

Obtain a list of all activity occurrences created in the Activities>Edit subtab. Click here to read an article about this report.

Activity Participant Registration Information

Find out how much each participant has paid for an activity. Click here to read an article about this report.

Email addresses of participants (per program)

Do you need to email everyone in a program? This report lists the name, email address and email status for each participant (including their primary contact) enrolled in a program. A participant's name only appears once even if they are registered to more than 1 activity in a program.

Information on the activities of the program

Need a quick way to make sure all your activities within a program are properly configured? Rather than verify each individual activity in the Activities tab, you can download this report and view all your activity settings at once within the selected program. It does not include private lessons.

Nominal income per activity (doesn't include rebates and discounts)

Curious if enrollment is under or at capacity? Check this report for an overview of how a program is performing. For each activity in the program, you can review the price per participant, the number of participants enrolled vs capacity and revenues based on price x participant (it doesn't consider the actual amounts invoiced). The report does not include drop-in information.

Participants by location

An activity's location can be determined by assigning a facility to the schedule, or manually typing it in the location field in the Activities > Edit subtab. This report provides a list of the program's registered participants by location, and includes basic participant info (name, birthday, phone, address and gender if your activity is restricted by gender). A separate sheet is available for any activity participants where no location is specified. It does not include drop-in participants.

Private lessons

Organizations offering private lessons can use this report to view all their private lesson bookings. You may include various columns of information such as (but not limited to): basic person information, private lesson configuration details, assigned staff, assigned facility, any multipass used, etc.

Registration information

If you need a list of all your session participants in a program, this report includes the participant's name and registration date, their registered activity, and basic client information (name, phone, address, allergies, med conditions and gender if your activity is restricted by gender). If a participant is registered to more than 1 activity in the program, their name will appear on more than one row. This report does not include drop-in information.

4. Cash accounting

This report is available if your organization has selected the cash accounting type in the Accounting and finance > Ledger codes subtab. Entries in these reports reflect the date payments were entered in SmartRec (not when they were deposited in your organization's bank account). Select a report and specify in between which dates you need the data.

Breakdown of payments by ledger code (unsupported)

This report provides a list of client payments associated to the ledger code of the item that was sold. It also includes credit memos and invoice information linked to the reconciled payments. As an alternative, we recommend using the Payment by item report to generate this information where you can custom select columns based on your needs.

Payment by item

This report is useful for seeing how much money was exchanged between you and your clients during a set timeframe, as well as why that money was exchanged.

It tracks every payment, account deposit, refund and payment correction (such as payment cancellation), as well as the client's name, the payment date, the ledger code of the invoice item to which a payment is reconciled and the invoice number. You can include additional columns of data such as the portion of payment allotted to taxes, basic client information, workstation, or membership. Each report generates up to 10 000 rows of data.

This report relies on reconciling payments to invoice items. If you change a reconciliation in Client billing, this affects the report data. Unreconciled payments will still appear in the report with no additional details provided as to how the payment was applied.

Payment by ledger code

If you need to know where your revenue is coming from, this report gives you the total amount of payments received (grouped by ledger code) and specifies which payment method was used. You can check payments by date range up to a maximum of 12 months of data at a time.

5. Operations

These reports help provide information on the day-to-day operation of your organization. Select a report and specify in between which dates you need the data.

Access Points

If your organization uses the Access Management feature, check this report that can be used to identify trends in when, where, and why participants are visiting your premises by tracking scan-ins over a specific timeframe. Choose which columns of information you want to include in your report, such as basic person information, contact names, Amilia ID, check in/check out, facility, membership number and health insurance number. The report will automatically show successful scan-ins, but this can be changed by modifying the report filters.

Email addresses of participants

Do you need to email everyone in your client list? This report lists the name, email address and email status for each participant (including their primary contact) in the Clients tab.

Membership sales and cancellations by date

This report lists all memberships sold and canceled within the date range. It includes the membership's start and end date, ledger code and client contact information.

Merchandise Configuration Export

If your organization offers numerous merchandise items to track and verify, this customizable report with 25 columns offers you a clear understanding of your current merchandise item details. It is a great place to view how each of your items is currently configured and catch any possible discrepancies, such as inventory counts. To view this report, admins need the ‘Manage orders’ permission.

Merchandise Orders

This customizable report provides a list of merchandise orders, their order status, delivery information and customer contact information.

Facility booking details

If you need specific Facility booking details and information, this report provides a downloadable table with preset columns, and the option to add additional columns. You may filter the table by date range and facility and can include contract details, invoice IDs, invoice link ( a direct link to client billing),client information and any suggested merchandise with the purchase.

Facility events

This report provides an overview of every type of booking in your facilities so you can review how your spaces are used (or underused) and analyze trends in the types of events taking place at each facility over time. This includes the facility name, event name, event type, start/end times and additional columns of data regarding booking and participant details. Learn more here.

Fundraising campaigns

Check this report to review a list of donors for each of your fundraising campaigns. You can choose which columns of information to include in your report, such as basic person information, Amilia ID, campaign details, donation details, Community segments, membership number, and health insurance.

Membership sales and cancellations by date

This report lists all memberships sold and canceled within the date range. It includes the membership's start and end dates, ledger code and client contact information.


If your organization sells multipasses, you can leverage this report to identify trends in which clients are using passes. It includes which participants purchased a multipass, the multipass’ expiration date, total passes and the remaining passes. You can also choose to include additional columns of information such as basic person information, Multipass ID, purchase date, community segments, and health insurance number.


Organizations that award scholarships can use this report to view the list of all clients that used a scholarship as payment towards an invoice. It doesn’t include anyone who was awarded a scholarship but hasn’t yet used it. Include columns such as basic person information, the scholarship name, the amount that was allocated to the client, the amount that was used, and to which type of offer it was applied to (merchandise, activity, drop-in, etc.). The same client can appear multiple times in the report (once for every time a scholarship is used as payment towards an invoice).

The scholarship report displays scholarship payment corrections (i.e., cancellations). It will show a scholarship payment made on one row and also a correction/cancellation on a separate row, each on their own respective dates.

Staff time sheet

This report gives a detailed breakdown for each staff member in your organization who is linked to an activity or private lesson. The report is broken down by staff member (one for each tab) and includes the details of the occurrence, the activity information, the number of participants in the activity, the hours worked with the rate, and the total. You can also see the Occurrence revenue information, which includes the linked ledger code and the total net revenue.

6. Payments

These reports track money moving between you and your clients. Click on a report and specify in between which dates you need the data.

Account deposits summary

An account deposit is a type of payment made in advance of an invoice - it might be a pre-payment for future invoices, or an overpayment of an existing invoice.

This report lists all the account deposits made during the chosen date range, including the amount of the deposit, how much has been used, and how much remains. It's helpful for keeping track of how much money is coming in each month as an account deposit, and how it is used over time. Note this only applies to payments that were entered into SmartRec using the 'Make account deposit' operation.

Breakdown of payments

If you need to balance the register at the end of a shift, this report provides a breakdown of sum of payments (by payment method) per administrator who processed the payment.

eCheck payment status

This report provides all eCheck payments that were processed during the chosen timeframe. It includes the client's name, the payment amount and the status of the eCheck, allowing you to track if any eChecks failed.

You can also keep track of failed eCheck payments in the Payment Action Center.

End of shift report (can choose user)

This report is very similar to the Breakdown of payments report, except with less details on the Summary sheet. It provides a breakdown of the sum of payments (by payment method), separated by administrator.

End of shift by workstation

If you want to confirm a list of the day’s transactions, this report allows you to review the End of shift close out for each workstation. When you select the report, you will be redirected to Point of Sale > Shifts where you can choose your workstation. Using the “...” button at the right side, select the End of shift report. You can check the opening and closing time for the workstation, who it was closed by and the time, as well as a detailed list of each transaction including the invoice number, payment type, the amount, and the user email and name.

Installment status

Download this report if you need installment payment details. It includes a summary (and the sum) by installment status (Accepted, Cancelled, Refused), broken down by payment method. This does not include reoccurring payments.

Payment summary

To see how different payment methods are being used across your store, select this report to view the sum of payment per payment method (Credit card, Cash, Cheque, etc).

*For a quick list of all failed transactions, check out the Payment action center under Accounting and finance. A second table provides a list of all Expiring credit cards that are associated with upcoming planned payments. For more information, click here.

7. RL 24

This group of reports is only available to organizations in Quebec with the RL 24 app. Depending on the report, specify a date range, or select a program.

Manual adjustments affecting tax credits

Some billable items can only be marked as eligible for the RL-24 tax credit at the moment you invoice them. This is the case for manual fees added to a client's invoice by an administrator. This report tracks all those invoice items and provides details such as the client's name, username, the amount invoiced, the description of the invoice item and the invoice date.

Missing SIN for all accounts

Download a report (per program) that lists all the accounts of registered participants whose parent/guardian have not indicated their SIN. Please note this does not mean the clients are eligible to receive the RL-24 tax credit.

Missing SIN for recipients

This report lists accounts that are eligible for the RL-24 tax credit but have no social insurance number on record.

8. Sales

These reports represent the value of goods sold, not the amount of money received. Credits and cancelations, similarly, do not reflect money returned to the client, but the value of goods being exchanged. Click on a report and specify in between which dates you need the data.

Breakdown of sales

This report breaks down individual sales transactions and has separate sheets for each product type that was sold within the specified date range.

Sales by administrators

Want to see how different administrators are processing different sales amounts? This report provides the sum per product type that each administrator processed within the date range specified.

Sales by ledger code

This report gives you an idea of how sales are going for each of your income GL accounts by providing the total sum of sales by ledger code (of item sold). Careful about treating this as revenue. In Cash accounting, you'll want to know about payments more than sales. With Accrual accounting, the best practice is to defer revenue recognition until the service is delivered.

Sales summary

Check this report to confirm which types of products and services bring in the highest sales. This report provides the sum of sales by product type (Activities, Merchandise, etc) as well as a detailed breakdown of each product and service, which includes Ledger codes, Sales information (all sales, credits, and cancellations), any Automatic Rebates (including rebates and cancellations) taxes, and the Net and Total amount sold.

Summary of awarded discounts and fees (cancellation not included)

This report shows the discounts and fee sales that were applied during the report range and includes a summary per discount and fee, with a breakdown of each on separate sheets. Please note it does not show discount or fee cancellations.

9. Others

These reports break down your sales and payments. Find data on every payment, invoice, credit and refund performed in SmartRec.

All reconciliation reports are no longer supported by our Customer Care team. We recommend going to Accounting and finance > Unreconciled items for a complete list of unreconciled items in the past month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, or by year.

Breakdown of combined revenues and receipts (unsupported)

View every invoice, credit, payment, and refund created over the specified time period. It includes the username and client name that did the transaction and for which amount. This report can also be used as a breakdown of sales and payments.

Reconciliation (unsupported)

This report has line items for each payment and the invoice(s) that go with them, as well as invoiced items that were not reconciled with any payment.

Reconciliation summary (unsupported)

Categorizes all your offerings and shows the total invoiced amounts for each category (i.e. memberships, programs, rentals, etc.) and how it was paid, if it was paid, plus the total of each payment method (i.e. cash, credit card, eCheck, etc.), including payments that were not reconciled to an invoice.

Revenues and receipts summary (can choose user) (unsupported)

This report gives a high-level view of what type of items were sold (e.g. activities and memberships are combined in one line), and the total revenue amounts processed by user (e.g. administrator(s) or clients), and total of payments processed by payment method.

* Last updated in August 2024

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