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The Merchant Account Page

Amilia Payment lets you quickly view your bank transfers and match them with the appropriate invoice(s).

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 2 years ago

Organizations using Amilia Payment can now review their bank transfers on the Merchant account page. Each bank settlement (i.e. transfer) is automatically linked to the corresponding client's name, receipt, and invoice to make financial operations more efficient.

In the Merchant account > Accounting and finance subtab, you can:

👉 Click here to check out our FAQ section for additional information.

1. Get an Overview of your Bank Transfers

A transfer is when money is moved from one account to another (e.g. money from your merchant account is sent to your organization's bank account). Bank transfers (also known as EFT or ACH) can occur on a daily (excluding weekends), weekly or monthly schedule, depending on your organization's preference.

By default, SmartRec displays bank transfers that took place as of the first day of the previous month. Apply filters to view transfers during a specific date range and/or those containing credit card, and/or eCheck payments.

◼️ The transfer date is when an amount was sent from your merchant account to your organization's bank account. It can take up to 72 hours for the amount to be deposited (depending on the banking institution).

◼️ Payment method means which type of payment was used.

◼️ Settlements & presentments represent the amount of client payments received and processed through your merchant account.

◼️ Refunds & returns represent the amount of payments that were refunded and/or returned to the client.

◼️ The Other column represents other types of transactions that took place in the merchant account (that are not a settlement, client refund or return). This includes chargebacks (i.e. a reversal of funds made at the request of the client), your organization transferring additional funds to the merchant account, and/or the merchant account taking funds from your organization's bank account.
◼️ The transfer amount is the total amount of the bank transfer. Clicking on a transfer amount will give you a breakdown of which payments and deductions have been considered in the transfer.

📄 Export the Merchant account settlement & fee report

To export the items listed, first select a payment method (credit card or eCheck) and then click on the blue icon on the top right of the screen. The Merchant account settlement & fee report breaks down each transfer amount and includes individual payments by date, who performed the payment (client or admin), the account owner's name and for which invoice. This is useful when checking your bank account deposits against deposit transfers from Paysafe.

2. View each Payment and/or Refund within a Transfer

You can view each individual client payment and/or refund included in a bank transfer by clicking on a value under the Transfer amount column. A new window will open.

  • A settlement means the payment has been received and is included in the transfer to your bank account. A credit means the payment was refunded/returned to the client. Other fees are also specified in the Type column.

  • The Name column identifies the credit card holder's name or the name of the person from whose bank account an eCheck was issued. To see for which participant the payment was made, view the Reconciliations to access the linked invoice(s).

3. Find out which Client and Invoice is Linked to each Payment

If the payer is not the recipient of the item(s) that was paid for, or you require additional details, you can view the receipt and/or invoice(s) linked to a payment.

  • Click on a Receipt number to view the copy that was sent to the client. You'll see the payer's name (which may differ from the account owner), as well as the Order ID, the same ID used in the Netbanx platform.

  • View the Reconciliations linked to the transaction. You'll be redirected to the client's billing to view the payment and the invoice(s) it was reconciled with.

Client receipt Payment record with reconciled invoice item

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a merchant account and how do I get one?

A merchant account is required for online payment processing. Any time one of your clients pays online by credit card, eCheck or through an integrated payment terminal, the funds are processed through your merchant account. A merchant account is provided by a payment processor.

We have partnered with Paysafe, a worldwide trusted payment processor. The Amilia team will guide you on how to set up your Paysafe merchant account before you go live.

An organization must have a Paysafe merchant account to access the Merchant account page, since the data is pulled directly from Netbanx (Paysafe's merchant portal). One of Amilia Payment's features is our integrated payment gateway, which allows organizations to view their bank transfers directly within SmartRec.

When should I use the Merchant account page vs logging into Netbanx?

The Merchant account page displays when a bank transfer took place (i.e. funds were sent to your bank account) and more importantly, allows you to break down those transfers to see which client payments were included, as well as which invoice(s) was reconciled to the payment. Paired with the Merchant account settlement & fee report, this is a great tool when doing your banking reconciliation for online payments. In most cases, you do not need to log into the payment processor's portal.

However, if you require more details on your current balance in your merchant account, on chargebacks, pending transactions, failed payments, and/or error codes, you can download additional reports in Netbanx.

How often do bank transfers happen and when will I see a deposit?

Bank transfers can occur on a daily (excluding weekends), weekly or monthly schedule, depending on your organization's preference. Contact our support team if you would like to have your schedule adjusted.

Any payment you receive from a client is held in your merchant account for up to 2 business days. Afterwards, it is batched at midnight (as per your time zone) and sent as a bank transfer to your organization's bank account. From the time a bank transfer is sent, it can take anywhere between 24-72 hours before the money is actually deposited.

👉 It can take up to 48 hours for the most recent bank transfer (sent from your merchant account) to appear in the Merchant account subtab in SmartRec.

How long does it take to see a return in my merchant account?

Transactions are typically settled (processed) within one business day. However a payment can be rejected for nearly 80 reasons, causing a return. For instance, an ACH (a type of electronic bank-to-bank payment) return entry will be initiated by your banking institution to notify the payment processor that there are insufficient funds in its customer’s account to pay the bill. The original entry is then returned within two banking days of receipt of the original entry. This means a payment that was settled could potentially be 'returned' days later and debited from your merchant account. This is moreso the case with eCheck payments, which can 'bounce' up to 10 days after being processed in your merchant account.

Why are there missing receipt and invoice numbers missing?

Certain transactions recorded in the Other column do not reference a specific payment or invoice. This is normal. However, if you notice a client payment with a missing receipt and/or invoice number, please contact our support team.

Are any fees deducted directly from my merchant account?

If your organization is using our Amilia Payment solution, then no. All fees related to payment processing are charged on your monthly Amilia invoice.

Which reports can I use to see credit card and eCheck payments?

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