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Create an Access Point in Access Management
Create an Access Point in Access Management

Configure access points to set the entry requirements to your premises.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 9 months ago

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As visitors come and go, a lot happens behind your front desk so that it runs smoothly. From taking activity attendance, tracking child pickups, addressing unpaid balances, and verifying accounts are up-to-date; the Access Management feature helps you tackle a variety of tasks in just a few clicks.

We'll review how to establish your rules of entry by configuring an access point.

How it Works

1. Create a New Access Point

Has your organization already used Access Management?

  • If this is the first time, click on 'Create access point'.

  • Existing access points are available in the Access points menu. Click on the '...' icon and select 'New access point' to create a new one.

An access point has 4 sections to configure: General, Access point settings, Attendance tracking settings and Access types.

2. General Settings

The Name can reflect a program, activity, main location, time-period, etc. A single access point can track check-ins across multiple activities, private lessons, memberships (including subscriptions), multipasses, and facility bookings (with an invoice).

The Location field (optional) lets you pick a facility as the main location for the access point. In the Access points report, scans will be reported as taking place at this location. If none is selected, the Facility column will be blank.

Example of the Access points report

👉 Facilities assigned to an activity do not appear in this report.

3. Access Point Settings

You can activate alert notifications upon scanning a participant.

🔔 Enable sound alerts when scanning

3 different sounding alerts are available for admins tracking check-ins from behind their computer and/or when visitors check-in by themselves from the Visitor kiosk:

  • A participant is successfully checked-in (i.e., scanned or manually entered).

  • A participant's account needs review (i.e., unpaid balance, notify request).

  • A participant's access is denied (i.e., entry is blocked, unpaid balance).

⚠️ Notify at check-in if there is an unpaid balance on a visitor's account

Upon scanning a participant, this setting brings up the Visitor information for review. The visitor's scan status in the Check-in Overview will read 'Review account'.

This type of alert does not block entry.

  • Enable this option if you want sound and/or visual alerts to review an account when there's an unpaid balance.

  • Just so you know, there's a separate 'notify' option you can select in the Visitor information which will prompt you to review a specific account for any reason.

🔴 Block entry at check-in if there is an unpaid balance on a visitor's account

Upon scanning a participant, this setting displays an error message, blocking entry. The visitor's scan status in the Check-in Overview will read 'Access denied'.

  • Just so you know, there's a separate 'block entry' option you can select in the Visitor information which blocks a specific participant for any reason.

4. Attendance Tracking Settings

If enabled, attendance tracking provides the ability to check-in/check-out participants scheduled for activities occurring that day, update your activity attendance list(s), track participants that use a membership (including subscriptions) or Multipass for entry, and more!

📑 Keep track of individuals responsible for picking up a child at check-out

At check-out, admins will be prompted to select an individual from a child's Contacts, who is responsible for picking them up when it's time to leave.

🎫 Enable check-out for Multipasses and/or memberships

Participants with an eligible membership (including subscription) or Multipass may require entry without having previously registered to an eligible activity. Initially, they do not appear on the Attendance tracking list.

After the participant scans their name/ID to check-in, they are added to the Attendance tracking list and can check-out upon leaving the premises.

5. Access Type Settings

Select one or more activities, private lessons, memberships (including subscriptions), multipasses, and/or facility bookings (with an invoice) that apply to the access point. Visitors who don't possess a registration to at least one of the items selected will be denied entry. You can add or remove eligible items at any time.

⚙️ Additional settings

You can limit entry based on the time an activity begins and/or ends.

Allow entry based on the day of the event means participants can check-in on the day of the event, regardless of when it starts.

Limit entry based on the event start time

  • Allow entry X minutes before the event start time means check-in is only possible as of X minutes before the activity starts.

  • Allow entry after start time

    • Allow entry X minutes after the event start time means that check-in is still possible within X minutes after the activity starts.

    • Allow entry throughout event duration means that check-in is still possible regardless of when the activity started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which admin permissions are required to use Access Management?

Admins need the View and scan entries and Manage access points permissions. The View and scan entries permission is required, and the Manage access points option can be added for extra access to create and modify access points.

How many access points can I create?

There is no limit! Up to 3 access points are visible from the Access points menu. If there are more, you can select one from a drop-down menu.

Can I delete/archive an access point?

Delete an access point if it has never been used. Otherwise, you can archive it.

From the Access points menu, select the access point and click on Settings. Scroll to the bottom of the access point's configuration screen and click on the Archive button.

To unarchive an access point, click on the '...' icon from the Access points menu and then on the archived access point. Scroll to the bottom of its configuration screen and click on the Unarchive button.

Do I have to use a scanner?

Admins can use a scanner, their keyboard & mouse, or a variation of both when monitoring entries from the Check-in Overview or Attendance Tracking.

The only time a scanner is required is when using the client-facing Kiosk.

The scanner must meet the following criteria:

  • Offers continuous scanning

  • Has a keyboard mode

  • Scans in 2D

  • Has a wire to connect directly to your computer/device or supports Bluetooth (for iPads, make sure the scanner is compatible. Most Bluetooth scanners are not compatible with iPads).

  • We recommend Epson, Motorola and Zebra

Where is the Visitor information?

All participant scans are recorded in the Check-in overview. The Visitor information serves as a participant's profile and appears when:

  • Clicking on the participant's name; and/or

  • Scanning a participant when a 'Notify' option is enabled to review the account.

👉 Remember, an account balance notification is enabled in the access point's setup. A notification for any reason is enabled by selecting 'Notify staff at access points' in the Visitor information.

Access Management Interface

What is the Kiosk?

The Kiosk feature is a client-facing screen meant to complement an unattended scanner where clients can scan their Amilia ID (from their virtual or physical membership card) and see on the Kiosk whether access is granted or denied.

Each scan is updated in real-time to the admin-facing check-in overview where administrators can then respond to participants who are denied access, who require review or need additional assistance.

Learn more about the client-facing Kiosk here.

What is an Amilia ID?

Every client has an Amilia ID. It can serve as identification as well as proof of membership. Admins can view it in the client's account under the Personal Info section. Clients can see it in the Members section of their user account and in the Access Cards section in the Amilia app.

Can I use a key FOB instead of an Amilia ID?

Yes! Instead of scanning the Amilia ID, you may scan your FOB. This is achieved by assigning custom membership numbers to your clients. Click here to learn more.

Can an access type be based on the duration of a client's subscription?

Access types pertain to your activities, memberships (including subscriptions) and/or Multipasses. Access is based on whether the participant has the eligible item rather than if they have an item that is valid for a set period of time.

However, you may create an access point that only permits entry to participants with a particular subscription.

Can I export visit history reports?

In the Access points menu, choose an existing access point and then click the ... icon above to view the Access points report.

The report is housed in the Reports>Standard subtab in the Operations group.

If I add a note or block access in the Visitor information, are those notes saved in the client's account?

Yes! Likewise, any admin notes written in the client's file in the Account members subtab will cross over to the Visitor information, including blocked access.

What's Attendance Tracking used for?

Attendance tracking allows admins to record check-ins/check-outs, child pick-ups and provides a Daily notes feature. It lists the visitors expected for events occurring that day and updates activity attendance lists upon check-in.

Can staff access medical & emergency contact information in Access Management and the Amilia app?

In Access Management, participants with medical information have a medic bag icon under their name record and more details are shown in the Visitor information. Contacts are found in the participant's file in the Clients>Account members subtab.

In the Amilia app, participants with medical information have a medic bag under their name record. Tap the icon to view the client's contact and medical information.

Can we be automatically notified if a participant uses their membership more than once in the same day to gain entry at the kiosk?

There aren't currently any automatic notifications or blockers to prevent someone from checking in more than once with the same membership. We've shared this improvement request with our development team.

Is it easy to see who has or hasn't checked in for an activity?

Yes! Use the Attendance tracking to filter for participants who have checked in/checked out or still pending.

Can a non-member use the kiosk to register for a drop-in?

No. The only participants who can register for a drop-in directly at the kiosk are those with an eligible Multipass.

*Last updated in May 2024

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