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Add Buffers & Staff to Facility Bookings
Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 3 years ago

πŸ§ͺThese improvements are being tested by our collaborators. Stay tuned!πŸ§ͺ

In the Facilities calendar, admins can add buffers to admin and contract bookings, as well assign staff to facility bookings. Assigned staff can see facility booking info in their schedule in the Amilia app.

πŸ›‘οΈ How do Buffers Work?

Buffer periods can be added before and/or after a facility booking if time is needed to prep the space between bookings. For example, if a booking ends at 4pm, followed by a 15 minute buffer; the next available time to book is no earlier than 4:15pm.

Create your admin (or contract) booking in the Facilities>Calendar subtab:

  • Make sure you have the proper permissions.

  • Click +New booking or select the facility from the drop-down menu and choose a spot on the calendar to configure the booking as usual.

  • Two new fields are available to add a buffer before and/or after the booking.

  • Specify the buffer's length in minutes, hours, or days.

  • Edit the buffer(s) at any time by selecting the booking and clicking Edit.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’ΌπŸ‘©β€πŸ’Ό How do I assign Staff to a Facility Booking?

Assign staff to your admin (or contract) booking in the Facilities>Calendar subtab:

  • As you create (or edit) a facility booking, the Assigned staff field allows you to add one or more staff members to the event.

  • The booking becomes visible in the Staff>Management>Schedule subtab, as well as in the assigned staff's schedule in the Amilia app. Staff can tap on a booking for more information (if available).

Frequently Asked Questions

Which permissions are required to manage facilities and add buffers?

In terms of creating and/or editing facility bookings and adding buffers, certain Facilities permissions are needed:

πŸ”‘ View facilities (required): View facilities and online facility booking configurations.

πŸ”‘ View rental contracts (optional): Ability to simply view rental contracts.

πŸ”‘ Manage reservations (required): Create and modify bookings in the calendar.

πŸ”‘ Allow scheduling conflicts when booking facilities (optional): Create bookings regardless if they conflict with existing bookings.

πŸ”‘ Allow booking to overlap existing buffer period(s) (optional): Create bookings regardless if they conflict with existing buffers periods.

Can I add a buffer to any type of booking in the Facility calendar?

You may configure automatic buffers for Online and Overnight bookings that are purchased by clients in your store. If you edit the buffer time for an online facility, it applies to every online booking made in that facility.

Our new improvements allow you to manually add (or edit) buffers for admin bookings and contracts. These buffers can be individually managed on a per booking basis.

You can't add buffers to program activities or private lessons.

Does the client pay more if a buffer is added to their booking?

Buffers are considered separate from the client's booking, meaning they aren't charged for buffer time. Buffers do not impact the client's billing.

Can buffers overlap?

When an admin creates a booking, they're notified if the scheduling conflicts with an existing reservation or buffer period. The admin can still save the booking.

Below, an admin creates an 11:30 am booking, with a 15m buffer before the start time. This conflicts with a 30m buffer at the end of a previous booking.

Are staff notified if they've been assigned to a facility booking?

Staff are not automatically sent email notifications if they're assigned to a facility booking. We suggest sending staff schedules from the Staff>Management>Schedule subtab, or have your staff check their schedule on the Amilia app.

Is a staff member's schedule automatically updated in the Amilia app?

Currently, the Amilia app refreshes every 15 minutes. Staff can change tabs and return to the Schedule tab to view their updated schedule.
Otherwise, they can log out of the Amilia app and log back in to immediately view their updated schedule.

Will staff see a contract in their schedule if it's still pending approval?

Only after a contract has been approved and invoiced will an assigned staff member see the booking in their schedule.

Will a conflict show if I try to assign a staff member who isn't available?

Currently there's no warning when assigning staff to a booking that takes place outside of their availability (as specified in the Staff>Edit Staff Member tab).

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